Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I Am Ashamed of Myself

I apologize again. I've been updating my blog on a daily basis, but I keep forgetting to actually publish the posts. Today, I realized that I had a page full of drafts that should have been published weeks ago. Again, I'm super sorry. I should be getting a laptop soon, so I will hopefully remember to actually post what I write (I never forgot to publish a single post when I owned a laptop, so I'm hoping that I will revert back to the way I was before I had to give up my beautiful laptop). I understand if you don't wanna go back and read all those posts, but I think that I wrote some cool stuff in those like Finding Dory Easter eggs. Hahaha. That got your attention, didn't it? Well, that's about the only good thing. I believe I just spent the other posts ranting about tomatoes, being lost, and trench warfare so, in conclusion, nothing out of the ordinary.

- Delanna

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