Monday, June 27, 2016

Word Crimes

Recently, I've been listening to Weird Al (in case you don't know who he is, he basically sings parodies of popular songs, and they're super funny). I learned about him through my younger brother who is actually obsessed with one of his songs. Well, one of my favorite songs by him is "Word f Crimes" (parody of "Blurred Lines") mostly because one of my favorite subjects in school was English (but I hated high school English since it involved reading boring books and being tested on quotes). I guess in reality what I love is actually grammar. I'm pretty good at catching mistakes in other people's writing, but I have a tendency to miss my own mistakes because I hate reading what I write. Although, I find that I'm pretty lax with my grammar on this blog mostly because I don't wanna sound uptight or anything. Besides, it's better this way because I feel like I'm actually talking with my readers. Anyway, you should totally watch the video and enjoy it for yourself because it's super funny. I've included it below, so now, you don't have an excuse not to watch it. Hahaha.

- Delanna

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