Monday, June 6, 2016

The Deman Days

Y'all know about the Demon Days, right? The five extra days that were added to the Egyptians' 360 day calendar to allow five gods to be born on each day? Well, I have prove that those five extra days weren't, in fact, added to the end of the year. They were actually added around the middle of the year and became the first full week of June, a.k.a Mercy's VBS (Vacation Bible School). Why? Simple. Small children are little demons. Why else would they climb over, kick, spit, bite, and etc. all over you? The answer is because they are literally evil. Due to this evilness, the five consecutive days that people have to deal with them have become known as these Demon Days. Fun, right? Hahahaha, no. It's barely been a day, and I'm already dying of exhaustion. And, I have four more days?! Someone end me now.

- Delanna

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