Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Mystical Supplies Warehouse That Supposedly Exists

Never ever let you father talk your into going to a supplies warehouse that he's "pretty sure" he knows the relative location of. It's literally a disaster waiting to happen. We spent about two hours driving around the edge of Baton Rouge looking for this place that my dad kept insisting was, in fact, "real" and not a figment of his imagination. We wound up asking Siri after about a hour, but she only pointed us to Italy for some strange reason. I have no idea why. Don't worry. We eventually found it (I guess my dad was right after all) after creepily following a truck with the store's logo on it (not creepy at all, Dad...). Literally, he should've just broken down and asked for directions a long time ago. Or at least called. That was two hours of my life I'm never getting back. Thanks a lot.

- Delanna

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