Wednesday, June 8, 2016

We're All Gonna Die Becuase the Popcorn Touched the Pretzel!

The end of the world is coming!!! Heaven forbid that the popcorn touches those sketchy pretzels!!! Hahaha. No. I hate to break it to you, but the world is most definitely not going to end just because some snack food got mixed in the bowl. I mean, I kinda felt sorry for the little girl because she refused to eat it and wound up starving herself over her belief that the mixing of snack food brings the end of the world, but then again, it's a pretty far-fetched idea for a child to have. Why is she even worrying about the end of the world? The kid is like in fourth grade and already worries about the end of the world. When I was her age, I thought about CAUSING the end of the world. Not about what may ACTUALLY cause it. I have to wonder, though, exactly what causes her to believe that mixing snack food will cause the end of the world? Was it an unstable family situation where one parent was in a romantic relationship with a snack food of some sort? Or was it a bad run in with mixed snack food as child? Who knows? I tried to sit her down and calm her after she had a pretty nasty fit. I explained to her that snack food simply cannot cause the end of the world because I'm going to end it first. I don't think she believed me. Or even understood what I was saying. She just kept moaning about pretzels being sketchy and how they exploded. I'm not really sure how pretzels explode but whatever. I may have caused some permanent damage or something because she wasn't the same for the rest of the day, and she started avoiding me and refused to come near me... I wonder how that happened...

- Delanna

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