Saturday, June 11, 2016

That Awkward Moment When Your Washing Machine Breaks Down

Has your washing machine ever just broken down out of the blue? Well, the one at my house just took its last breath. The repairman said it needed several parts that were relatively easy to get, but they wouldn't be able to come in until like Monday. Joy. So, now, we have no way to doing the laundry at our house, so my dad decided to go to the laundromat. I was given the task of stuffing all of our dirty clothes bags into huge, black garbage bags and lugging them out with my dad to his car. While we were dragging out these suspicious bags, a kid who lives down the street from us stopped and asked us if we were hiding a body because if we were, he totally wanted to help us hide it. I told him that unfortunately, it wasn't a body, and even if I was hiding a body, I wouldn't make it so suspicious looking. I'm not that stupid. If I really did have a body, I would cut it up into small pieces or something and bury it in a recently dug grave. But, alas, by the end of the day, all I had was ten "freshly" (how fresh can you get using a filthy laundromat?) cleaned bags of clothes and no freshly hidden bodies of my enemies (boy, do I have a lot of those). Oh well. Maybe next time my washing machine breaks...

- Delanna

P.S. And, here's where I write my disclaimer. I have never hidden a body (not like I would actually tell you if I did or didn't), nor have I ever ended a person's life to where I would need to hide their body. Also, I never intend on claiming someone's life no matter how much they tick me off. :)

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