Do you ever have one of those days where it starts out as one of the best days of your life but becomes the worst day of your life by the end of the day? Well, today was one of those days. It started out great. I mean, I did wind up having to wake up early, but that didn't really faze me like it usually does because I finally got my laptop. A beautiful HP laptop. It's true love at first sight. I'm literally obsessed with it. Good times, right? Well, it only went down hill from that because I did something I never thought I would actually have to do. Apparently, my grandmother wasn't doing too well this morning, and my grandfather is literally incompetent and can't even take care of himself. Let alone another person. Because an electrician was coming to work on our house, my mom couldn't leave, so I went to watch my grandmother in her place. As the morning went on, it was pretty clear she wasn't doing to well. In fact, we couldn't get to fully regain conciseness which was a bit scary. My grandfather refused to call anyone until he was 100% sure that there was something wrong, but I'm pretty sure that there is something wrong with a person who can't wake up all the way and keeps muttering about hallucinations. Because he refused to call anyone, I wound up calling 911. It's literally something that you know you are probably going to have to do as you get older, but it's also something that you don't think you'll actually have to do. Especially not at my age if that makes any sense. It's a miracle an ambulance ever reaches a house because the guy who answered treated me like a hysterical child. He kept repeating the wrong address that I kept having to repeat to him. I got pretty fed up towards the end. Especially when he told me to calm down because everything would not be okay. Everything's not okay because idiots like you answer the phone. I wound up staying in the hospital for most of the day as my grandmother went through all kinds of examinations. It turns out she has a large amount of CO2 that her body is having trouble getting rid of. One doctor says she only has until tomorrow to live. Another says she'll make. I have no idea who to believe.
- Delanna
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Expect the Unexpected
Whenever you beat the dust off a rug, you must always expect the unexpected. You never know when you may discover a stain or even a badly dressed ninja. You must always be prepared for these things by keeping stain remover on you at all times. And, of course, a bottle of ninja repellent.
- Delanna
- Delanna
That Random Bat Guy
We're all seen it at least once. A random person dressed up like a bat who decides, hey, I'm going to save an ATM from a person only to get beaten down by the very person who was deemed his enemy. Ya gotta love random people. Especially random people who have a sense of humor. And like to dress up like bats.
- Delanna
- Delanna
A Mountain Doggy
This is literally one of the cutest things I have ever seen. It is so cute that I decided that I absolutely had to post it here to share with all my readers. I have no idea how this dog is this talented. There is no way I could ever accomplish mountain climbing.
- Delanna
- Delanna
I Am Ashamed of Myself
I apologize again. I've been updating my blog on a daily basis, but I keep forgetting to actually publish the posts. Today, I realized that I had a page full of drafts that should have been published weeks ago. Again, I'm super sorry. I should be getting a laptop soon, so I will hopefully remember to actually post what I write (I never forgot to publish a single post when I owned a laptop, so I'm hoping that I will revert back to the way I was before I had to give up my beautiful laptop). I understand if you don't wanna go back and read all those posts, but I think that I wrote some cool stuff in those like Finding Dory Easter eggs. Hahaha. That got your attention, didn't it? Well, that's about the only good thing. I believe I just spent the other posts ranting about tomatoes, being lost, and trench warfare so, in conclusion, nothing out of the ordinary.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Is It Sad I'm Addicted to Hogan's Heroes?
I have a confession. I am literally addicted to Hogan's Heroes, an older show that takes place in a German POW camp during World War II. I know, I'm pathetic, but I really don't care. When 9 o'clock rolls around, I immediately switch on MeTV, so that I can watch it. I dunno what it is with me and World War II stuff, but I guess you could say I have a weird obsession. If you've never seen Hogan's Heroes, you haven't lived. You must watch it as soon as humanly possible. I've even decide to include a short clip to show you how funny this show is. Sorry, but it's a bit blurry.
- Delanna

Monday, June 27, 2016
I'm still on Weird Al. Sorry to all you who aren't fans. Anyway, another one of my favorite songs that he does is called "Handy" (which is a parody of "Fancy"). It doesn't sound that great from looking at just the title, but I have to say it's one of the funniest ones his done yet (but nothing can beat "Word Crimes" though). I guess another reason I like it is because my family is working on our house, and we have half of these problems... I wish he would work on our house...
- Delanna
Word Crimes
Recently, I've been listening to Weird Al (in case you don't know who he is, he basically sings parodies of popular songs, and they're super funny). I learned about him through my younger brother who is actually obsessed with one of his songs. Well, one of my favorite songs by him is "Word f Crimes" (parody of "Blurred Lines") mostly because one of my favorite subjects in school was English (but I hated high school English since it involved reading boring books and being tested on quotes). I guess in reality what I love is actually grammar. I'm pretty good at catching mistakes in other people's writing, but I have a tendency to miss my own mistakes because I hate reading what I write. Although, I find that I'm pretty lax with my grammar on this blog mostly because I don't wanna sound uptight or anything. Besides, it's better this way because I feel like I'm actually talking with my readers. Anyway, you should totally watch the video and enjoy it for yourself because it's super funny. I've included it below, so now, you don't have an excuse not to watch it. Hahaha.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Sunday, June 26, 2016
My pizza limit is two slices. I can't eat anymore than that because, well, I find pizza rather disgusting for the most part. But, today, I completely over did it by eating around eleven slices from different pizza places from around Baton Rouge. I don't usually do this kind of thing. The only reason I did it was because I was invited to a "pizza party" (a.k.a. Pizzapalooza) by an old friend from middle school. It was pretty intense. I think the whole point was to discover which pizza place served the best pizza and which served the worst. There were huge pizzas from about eleven different places. Everyone (I didn't know most of them) would grab a slice, sample it, and then discuss their feelings about the pizza. To me, every slice tasted the same except for the ones from Grimaldi's and Gatti's, so there wasn't much for me to discuss. Grimaldi's was clearly the winner, and Gatti's, well, was a new personal low for me (it was disgusting). Overall, it was pretty fun, and I even learned how to play Smash Bros (or whatever it's called). I may or may not have improved. I'm not really sure since I like never play video games. Wait. This has nothing to do with pizza. Actually, now that I think about it, the pizza testing only lasted about one fourth of the entire time I was there. The rest of the time was divided between Cards Against Humanity, Smash Bros, and swimming. So, did it really deserve to be called Pizzapaloosa?
- Delanna
- Delanna
Saturday, June 25, 2016
I Seriously Hate Small Children
Small children bug me. Yes, I understand I was once a small child as well, but I don't remember ever being as annoying as the children of today. It's ridiculous. For example, today, I was at the mall when I ran across some kids who are in the same grade as Delaney in Hot Topic. When they saw me, they started whispering about me (loudly to where I could here them from half-way across the store, mind you) and saying some not so pleasant things about my younger sister. Naturally, I ignored them. But, it was still annoying. Really, really annoying. I guess I should have told them something, but that really isn't my style. Sorry, Delaney.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Friday, June 24, 2016
I Wanna Transfer to the Home of the Mad Dog, Middleton High School
Let's all get real for a moment. Kim Possible is one of the best animated shows from our childhood (well, the childhood of those who are around the same age as me, so sorry to those of you who are older or too young to know what I'm talking about). Who didn't love Rufus with his Naked Mole Rap? Or every time one of Dr. Drakken's machines self-destructed? There are so many amazing things that make up this one show, but one of the most memorable things for me, was Kim and Ron's school, Middleton High School. Literally, I wanna transfer there. Even though I just graduated from high school. Middleton is clearly a thousand times better than the place I just got out of, and the signs alone are proof enough of that. Clearly, it is a school that values sarcasm and individuality (unlike my old, stuck-up school), has actual, edible food (unlike the stuff you received at my old school that was hard to distinguish whether it was even of this world or not), care about current issues (such as the growing population of mutated cockroaches and does not try to hid infestations like my old school did when a staircase was infested with black widow spiders), and appreciates puns no matter how bad they are. Here are some of my personal favorite signs that prove how amazing Middleton is for your enjoyment. Let's relive the days of our youth while enjoying the creativity of a certain high school.
- Delanna
P.S. Does anyone else notice how the design of the flag keeps changing? Or is it just me?

- Delanna
P.S. Does anyone else notice how the design of the flag keeps changing? Or is it just me?
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Don't You Just Love Other Drivers?!
Ya gotta love other drivers. Especially when they do something funny. I was just innocently driving along (yes, I'm innocent), when the lady driving behind me suddenly swerved into the other lane and began speeding to pass me. As she passed me, she frantically (and maybe angrily?) gave me a double thumbs up that she kept waving around like a maniac until she completely passed me. I'm not exactly sure whether she was complimenting my driving or telling me to go to hell in some weird, foreign way (and, yes, I'm positive it wasn't the middle finger she was waving around at me). Either way, both the look on her face and what she was doing was so hilarious that Kylle and I laughed at her the entire time we watched her do this. We almost DIED from laughter because it was so freaking funny. Which made driving and staying on the road a bit hard. It was bad. Now, you might be thinking that I, well, maybe deserved it because I was driving slowly or stopping too much or something around those lines that might annoy another driver driving behind me, right? Well, I can assure you that I did nothing of the sort. I definitely wasn't driving slowly (but neither was I driving over the speed limit, of course). I also was NOT continuously applying my brakes. And, I can't really think of anything else that I did to annoy another driver. So, conclusion: I have no idea what was wrong with this lady or what she might have been high on.
- Delanna
P.S. If the lady who gave me the double thumbs up is reading this, could you please tell me why? Why would you do this to me? Also, I would like to thank you for making my day even if you where trying to curse me out or something. Seriously, up until that moment, my day was kinda blah, ya know? And, after that it was more of a whooooo kinda day, ya see. :)
- Delanna
P.S. If the lady who gave me the double thumbs up is reading this, could you please tell me why? Why would you do this to me? Also, I would like to thank you for making my day even if you where trying to curse me out or something. Seriously, up until that moment, my day was kinda blah, ya know? And, after that it was more of a whooooo kinda day, ya see. :)
I Have Never Regretted Something This Much in My Life
Do you ever get talked into something and then immediately regret it? Well, my parents talked me into allowing my grandparents to purchase me a laptop as a graduation gift. And, now I'm seriously regretting it. Huge mistake. I swear this might be the worst mistake I've ever made in my life. They won't stop talking about the price or about how this is going to cause them to go into debt. If it bothers them that much, I can easily afford it myself. But, noooooo. They're doing it for me and will hold this over me for the rest of my life. Here's a piece of advice from me to you. In the future, purchase your own laptop. Or anything that may be super expensive. It may sound nice to save money, but in the end, you only wind up paying twice as much in trouble.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
The Incident Involving Dr. Pepper
It's rather hard to turn Dr. Pepper into a dangerous weapon that's likely to take someone's head off. Or so I thought. Apparently, I have never been more wrong in my life because Delaney managed to turn a bottle of Dr. Pepper into a dangerous projectile that nearly took my head off. I was super thirsty today, so I was going to get a glass of Dr. Pepper. Delaney decided to be nice to me for once (yes, miracles do happen) and was going to bring the bottle to me. Except, that's not what actually happened. While on her way from the fridge to me, she dropped the bottle, and upon impact with the ground, it immediately exploded and started flying around. Just to be clear, she didn't shake it or jostle it or anything that might have caused it to explode in the way that it did. It just happened, and we still aren't sure how it happened. Anyway, at one point, the bottle came shooting at me, and if I had not ducked when I did, I swear I would've lost my head. In the end, an entire bottle's worth of Dr. Pepper covered the floor, and we were stuck cleaning it up. Which wasn't fun. While trying to move around to clean the stuff up, I was literally sliding around on Dr. Pepper. I guess it was fun. In a sticky sort of way. At least it was until I slid into a wall and got a large welt on my head. The moral of this story is never drink Dr. Pepper. Not only is it bad for your health, it is apparently very easy to use as dangerous weapon, and it's super hard to scrub off the floor.
(Evil projectile in question)
- Delanna
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
They're Just Preparing For Trench Warfare
Kylle asks me some really stupid questions sometimes. It's pretty annoying. For example, today, he asked me why some construction workers were digging large trenches along the side of Burbank. I answered him saying they were simply preparing for trench warfare against the gas stations that line the road. For about five seconds (I kid you not), the idiot actually believed me. And, once he realized that I was pulling his leg, he immediately punched me. Sorry, but it's hard for me to resist the urge to mess with him on a daily basis. It's his fault if he falls for it and believes me.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Monday, June 20, 2016
Guess I'll Wait Another 50 Years Or So To Be Dissappointed Again
Tonight, the rare and elusive Strawberry Moon was supposed to make its first appearance on a summer solstice since June of 1967 (or something like that). It's supposed to be some beautiful amber colored full moon that's supposed to look amazing. I wouldn't know though because when my mom dragged me out at the right time to see it, it looked like a regular old full moon to me. I didn't even see a hint of red or amber or any unusual color. It was quite disappointing. I guess I could wait 50ish years to see it again during the summer solstices in June 2062, but I have a distinct feeling that I will only be disappointed once again. I'll have to try seeing one of these moons while I wait. I found this nice little chart of the ones occurring this year. I know I've missed some already, but there's one coming up in July. Maybe that one won't be such a let down...
I wonder how some of these got their names. This Sturgeon Moon sounds the most interesting. I'll definitely have to check it out. Apparently, the Sturgeon Moon got its name from the Native Americans who knew that this time of year was the best time to catch the Sturgeons in the Great Lakes. Also, it's supposed to coincide with a meteor shower this year. i think. I'm definitely marking my calendar for it. Sounds cool. I just hope it doesn't turn out like the Strawberry Moon.
- Delanna
P.S. This is post #200! Yay! Clearly, I rant waaaay too much and have waaaay too much time on my hands, but thanks for sticking with me this long! Love y'all! :)
Date | Name | U.S. East | UTC |
Jan. 23 | Wolf Moon | 8:46 p.m. | 01:46 (1/24) |
Feb. 22 | Snow Moon | 1:20 p.m. | 18:20 |
Mar. 23 | Worm Moon | 8:01 a.m. | 12:01 |
Apr. 22 | Pink Moon | 1:24 a.m. | 05:24 |
May 21 | Flower Moon | 5:15 p.m. | 21:15 |
June 20 | Strawberry Moon | 7:02 a.m. | 11:02 |
July 19 | Buck Moon | 6:57 p.m. | 22:57 |
Aug. 18 | Sturgeon Moon | 5:27 a.m. | 09:27 |
Sept. 16 | Harvest Moon | 3:05 p.m. | 19:05 |
Oct. 16 | Hunter's Moon | 12:23 a.m. | 04:23 |
Nov. 14 | Beaver Moon | 8:52 a.m. | 13:52 |
Dec. 13 | Cold Moon | 7:05 p.m. | 00:05 (12/14) |
I wonder how some of these got their names. This Sturgeon Moon sounds the most interesting. I'll definitely have to check it out. Apparently, the Sturgeon Moon got its name from the Native Americans who knew that this time of year was the best time to catch the Sturgeons in the Great Lakes. Also, it's supposed to coincide with a meteor shower this year. i think. I'm definitely marking my calendar for it. Sounds cool. I just hope it doesn't turn out like the Strawberry Moon.
Apparently, this is what I should've seen but didn't. In a way, it does look like a super, big strawberry in the sky. Pretty cool. Too bad I didn't see it this time. Oh well. Maybe next time.
- Delanna
P.S. This is post #200! Yay! Clearly, I rant waaaay too much and have waaaay too much time on my hands, but thanks for sticking with me this long! Love y'all! :)
It's a Hot Mess Alright
I have to say, I love Hot Topic. It's actually my favorite store. Not only does it sell stuff for all of my weird obsessions, but it also has cool sales. Like the one they're having right now as I type this up. The annual Hot Mess sale. I love it. I was able to get a cool Guardians of the Galaxy shirt and an Inside Out shirt. For waaaaay less than the usual amount of one shirt! I also got a cool Sword Art Online bracelet (and an Ouran High School Host Club bracelet for my sister which was one of the biggest mistakes of my life). The only pain with this sale was finding anything. It took forever to find these treasures because everything was jumbled together in boxes. It literally was a hot mess (I truly understand why they call it that now).
- Delanna
It's Sad When You Know More About the Models a Model Store is Selling Than the Geeks Who Are Running It
My mom kicked Kylle and me out of the house today. Her "excuse" for giving us the boot was that we needed to spend more time with each other. In reality, she just wanted us out of the house so she could have some peace and quiet. I guess we where getting a bit rowdy (but what do except from us after eleven games of UNO and five games of Parcheesi without Delaney to act as a mediator?). I let Kylle choose where we would go first (mostly because I was planning on dragging him to the one place he hates above everything else - the mall), and he chose to go to Hobby Town of all places. I hate Hobby Town. It's like a graveyard for model geeks. I say graveyard mostly because it's quiet enough to be consider "haunted movie" level creepy, and it even comes with its own grave tenders who yell at you if you so much as look at a model funny. Actually, the whole graveyard for geeks thing only makes sense in my mind since I'm not explaining it like I should, so just disregard all of that. Anyway, Kylle is obsessed with the store because of the old car models. Boooooring. The only good thing about this store is its selection of World War II planes and navy ships. I mean, come on!!! They have a model of the USS Kidd and the HMS Hood! In beautiful condition. Sorry, I'm a totally geek when it comes to planes and naval ships. Especially destroyers. I love me some destroyers. I've toured a lot of naval ships in my time. Maybe I'll talk about it one day. I guess my love for these things stems from my dad and my time working on the USS Kidd. Anyway, not the point. The point is there was a Fokker triplane hanging from the ceiling in this store. I love Fokkers. If I had to pick a favorite World War I plane (or any plane for that matter), it would be a Fokker. What upset me so much about the Fokker hanging from the ceiling was the fact the whoever had put it together did a horrid job on the landing gear. I mean the placement was all wrong. I must have been staring a lot at the mistake because one of the employees came up and asked if I wanted the model set for it. Well, yes, of course I do, but no, there's no way I can afford it! Instead, I told him why I was looking at it. To put it simply, the person who put it together disgraced the very existence of Fokkers everywhere with his shoddy landing gear work. The employee tried to politely tell me that I was, in fact, incorrect. There was no way that I could be right because there was no way they would allow for an incorrect model to be hanging up on the ceiling for all to see. It's because I'm a girl, right? Because I'm a girl, I can't be into planes and such, can I? What a horrible assumption to make. Of course, I immediately pulled out my phone, showed him a picture of a real one, and made him eat his words. Bwahahaha. He then got a ladder and took it down. With any hope, they are currently fixing their horrid mistake as I type this up. I'm usually not like this. In fact, I kinda feel bad about this whole thing, but then again, not really. I rarely approach people and voice my opinion on anything (trust me, if I did, marching band would've been a living hell for everyone in my section because I'm not particularly nice or good at holding myself back when I finally voice my true opinion on anything). This was a once in a blue moon type thing and probably won't happen again for sometime. I usually don't let myself go like this, but the perfection of a model of a truly beautiful plane was on the line. I couldn't allow for such an atrocity to continue hanging for everyone to see, so no, I have no regrets.
- Delanna
P.S. I included a picture of it above so you can enjoy its beauty for yourself. Everyone should own a Fokker. I actually want a Fokker. Not that I would actually fly in it. I'm terrified of flying, but that's only commercial flying. I don't mind so much when my dad flies though...
P.P.S. Here are some interesting fun facts about the Fokker: 1). It's Germany's most famous aircraft during World War I; 2). It was Germany's response to the British Sopwith (another beautiful airplane that you should totally research); and 3). The Red Baron was famous for flying a Fokker; it's the plane that Snoopy (from Charlie Brown) is always chasing in his doghouse (a.k.a. a Sopwith Camel). Did I just blow your mind or what?! That right there is only a small part of what makes a Fokker so amazing.
P.S. I included a picture of it above so you can enjoy its beauty for yourself. Everyone should own a Fokker. I actually want a Fokker. Not that I would actually fly in it. I'm terrified of flying, but that's only commercial flying. I don't mind so much when my dad flies though...
P.P.S. Here are some interesting fun facts about the Fokker: 1). It's Germany's most famous aircraft during World War I; 2). It was Germany's response to the British Sopwith (another beautiful airplane that you should totally research); and 3). The Red Baron was famous for flying a Fokker; it's the plane that Snoopy (from Charlie Brown) is always chasing in his doghouse (a.k.a. a Sopwith Camel). Did I just blow your mind or what?! That right there is only a small part of what makes a Fokker so amazing.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Happy Father's Day, Nana
It's sad when your mom sends you off to go wish your grandmother a happy Fathers' Day instead of your grandfather. Pretty confusing, right? Since she was unable to go herself, she made sure to drill it in our heads to wish our grandmother a happy Fathers' Day first instead of our grandfather because she was always more of a father figure than my actually grandfather was to her. Apparently it's a tradition. Still confused? So are we. But, whatever. We did as we were told. HAPPY FATHERS' DAY, NANA! With love from your above (?) average grandchildren, Delanna, Kylle, and Delaney (please don't hate us, Papa, because we're only blindly following orders and are still completely confused). :)
- Delanna
P.S. This makes no sense, right? I never make sense. I guess I get it from me ol' mum (insert fake British accent here in "honour" of my mother). She doesn't make sense either. Actually, no one in my family makes any sense whatsoever. :)
- Delanna
P.S. This makes no sense, right? I never make sense. I guess I get it from me ol' mum (insert fake British accent here in "honour" of my mother). She doesn't make sense either. Actually, no one in my family makes any sense whatsoever. :)
Saturday, June 18, 2016
The Bountiful Glue of Vegetarianopia
I was stuck scrapping our kitchen floor. Again. I can't begin to tell you how much fun it is (lies) or how great it feels (sarcasm). It's actually the most boring thing in existence (for now because I'm sure the next time I get bored, that'll become the most boring thing I've ever experienced). It was so bad that I named a blotch of glue that had been separated from the rest of the glue Vegetarianopia. I came up with a national flag (it's blue with lots of veggies), a national animal (pig), a national color (blue), an anthem (sung in the language of the veggies), a constitution (for the people, the animals, and the veggies of Vegetarianopia), and everything. I proclaimed myself the totalitarian dictator and led my little island nation with an iron (but benevolent) fist. Everything was going fine until Kylle's island of the United Kingdom of Meat declared war and wiped my island of the floor map. With my nation decimated during the time it took me to get a snack, I naturally took revenge for my island and wiped Kylle's so-called "democracy" of the face of the floor forever while he took the trash out. With no countries left to rule and nothing left for us to live for, Kylle and I declared a temporary truce and retired to the cooler part of our house where we watched MeTV for the rest of the afternoon and completely neglected our work (sorry, Mom, but we did eventually finish the whole thing...). Clearly, we don't have a life (or at least on that is a little bit interesting)...
- Delanna
- Delanna
Friday, June 17, 2016
Easter Eggs in Finding Dory (That I Currently Know About)
I finally got to see Finding Dory, and boy, it was amazing!!! The short before-hand, Piper, was beautiful. So beautiful, I almost cried. Actually, I DID CRY. I'm going to have to see it over and over again. Like usual, I looked for Easter eggs and everything, and this is what I found so far. I'll keep updating this post as I see it again and again (I plan on seeing it a lot, so contact me if you haven't seen it yet and want someone to go with you because I will totally go), so keeping checking it! Also, if you find anything that I haven't please tell me, and I'll add it.
1. First up, it's A113! You can find it in two different locations (that I know of). This first is on the tags of the sea lions, Fluke and Rudder. Fluke's reads A1, and Rudder's reads 13. The second place is on the back of the truck going to Cleveland. It reads CALA113. Clever, right? Since CalArts is located there? Nooooo...? Maybe it's just me.
2. Next up is the Pizza Planet truck, another classic Easter egg. The truck's first appearance is under water when Dory, Marlin, and Nemo are swimming in squid territory. It happens fast, so if you blink you'll miss it. The second time you can see it is one the freeway when the truck going to Cleveland is driving away from the institute. You can spot it several times on the freeway, so it's okay if you miss it the first time it appears on the freeway.
3. The boat that picks Dory up toward the beginning of the movie has some very meaningful numbers on the side, 1200 and 86. 1200 represents the address of Pixar, which is 1200 Park Avenue, Emeryville, CA. 86 comes from the year Pixar was purchased by Steve Jobs and became its own animation company (1986 for those of you with no common sense).
4. Here's another interesting number reference. Ever heard of Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage in Disneyland? Well, on this pipe, you'll find "TL59" written on the side. Tomorrowland is the location of this popular attraction, and the 59 represents the year it first opened (back in 1959, Finding Nemo hadn't even been though of yet, so it was just the Submarine Voyage). Neat, right?
5. It wouldn't be a Finding Nemo sequel if she didn't make an appearance, right? When Dory first gets tossed into a tank in Quarantine, look on the wall behind the tank. You can see Darla's picture hanging up. Weird place for a fish killer to be lurking, but that's irony for ya.
6. Remember Piper from the short before the movie? Yep, she's not done yet. You can find an adorable poster of her hanging up the wall when Hank plops Dory into the coffee pot.
7. Speaking of shorts, remember Lava, the short about a volcano falling in love that played before Inside Out? Well, you can see a tiny magnet with the movie poster on it in Quarantine located on a metal drawer when Hank is talking with Dory. The only difference between the magnet and the movie poster is that Lava is replaced with Uku, the person who performed the song used in the short.
8. Ever wondered why you never see an Easter egg about Wall-E? Well, that's a thing of the past. If you look closely at a calendar on the wall when Hank is about to drop Dory into an exhibit, you can see that the calendar reads Wall-E. It may not be the actual, lovable robot, but it's kinda close enough. Maybe? Not really. I want a full Wall-E appearance in a movie (that's not Wall-E).
9. Another amazing Easter egg is the Luxo ball, right? Well, you can spy the actual ball in the Kids Zone when Hank is expressing his fear of being poked. It happens pretty fast, so at least try not to blink too much during that entire scene. You can also find the star design found on the ball itself on the steering wheel inside the truck bound for Cleveland.
10. I bet you didn't know that Nemo is voiced by a different person this time around. Well, the person who originally voiced Nemo is a bit too old to do it now (seeing as he is now about 22 years of age), so they got a fresh new face to voice the part. Don't worry, though, the original Nemo makes an appearance in Finding Dory as one of the drivers of the truck heading to Cleveland (if you can't figure it out, he's the one who's concerned about being fired).
11. We all know and easily recognize John Ratzenberger's voice. Or you should (if you can't, well, dishonor on you, dishonor on your family, and dishonor on your cow). I guess it doesn't really matter whether or not you can recognize his voice since it has been slightly turned up in pitch for this movie. If you haven't found him yet, he's Bill, the crab who's cutting his lawn.
12. I'm not sure if this counts or not as an Easter egg per say, but Nemo's tank pals from Finding Nemo make an appearance at the end where they are ironically recaptured, so make sure to stay until the end because you won't want to miss this.
- Delanna
P.S. I feel like the Volkswagon that keeps showing up under water is important, too, but then again it might just be me since I own one and am probably biased towards them.
1. First up, it's A113! You can find it in two different locations (that I know of). This first is on the tags of the sea lions, Fluke and Rudder. Fluke's reads A1, and Rudder's reads 13. The second place is on the back of the truck going to Cleveland. It reads CALA113. Clever, right? Since CalArts is located there? Nooooo...? Maybe it's just me.
2. Next up is the Pizza Planet truck, another classic Easter egg. The truck's first appearance is under water when Dory, Marlin, and Nemo are swimming in squid territory. It happens fast, so if you blink you'll miss it. The second time you can see it is one the freeway when the truck going to Cleveland is driving away from the institute. You can spot it several times on the freeway, so it's okay if you miss it the first time it appears on the freeway.
3. The boat that picks Dory up toward the beginning of the movie has some very meaningful numbers on the side, 1200 and 86. 1200 represents the address of Pixar, which is 1200 Park Avenue, Emeryville, CA. 86 comes from the year Pixar was purchased by Steve Jobs and became its own animation company (1986 for those of you with no common sense).
7. Speaking of shorts, remember Lava, the short about a volcano falling in love that played before Inside Out? Well, you can see a tiny magnet with the movie poster on it in Quarantine located on a metal drawer when Hank is talking with Dory. The only difference between the magnet and the movie poster is that Lava is replaced with Uku, the person who performed the song used in the short.
8. Ever wondered why you never see an Easter egg about Wall-E? Well, that's a thing of the past. If you look closely at a calendar on the wall when Hank is about to drop Dory into an exhibit, you can see that the calendar reads Wall-E. It may not be the actual, lovable robot, but it's kinda close enough. Maybe? Not really. I want a full Wall-E appearance in a movie (that's not Wall-E).
9. Another amazing Easter egg is the Luxo ball, right? Well, you can spy the actual ball in the Kids Zone when Hank is expressing his fear of being poked. It happens pretty fast, so at least try not to blink too much during that entire scene. You can also find the star design found on the ball itself on the steering wheel inside the truck bound for Cleveland.
10. I bet you didn't know that Nemo is voiced by a different person this time around. Well, the person who originally voiced Nemo is a bit too old to do it now (seeing as he is now about 22 years of age), so they got a fresh new face to voice the part. Don't worry, though, the original Nemo makes an appearance in Finding Dory as one of the drivers of the truck heading to Cleveland (if you can't figure it out, he's the one who's concerned about being fired).
P.S. I feel like the Volkswagon that keeps showing up under water is important, too, but then again it might just be me since I own one and am probably biased towards them.
See? Doesn't it look important? Why else would there be a random Volkswagon under water? Unless, maybe it's foreshadowing my future career at Pixar?! Hahaha. Who knows?
Thursday, June 16, 2016
The Mystical Supplies Warehouse That Supposedly Exists
Never ever let you father talk your into going to a supplies warehouse that he's "pretty sure" he knows the relative location of. It's literally a disaster waiting to happen. We spent about two hours driving around the edge of Baton Rouge looking for this place that my dad kept insisting was, in fact, "real" and not a figment of his imagination. We wound up asking Siri after about a hour, but she only pointed us to Italy for some strange reason. I have no idea why. Don't worry. We eventually found it (I guess my dad was right after all) after creepily following a truck with the store's logo on it (not creepy at all, Dad...). Literally, he should've just broken down and asked for directions a long time ago. Or at least called. That was two hours of my life I'm never getting back. Thanks a lot.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Why Must Everything Be Green?!
Literally, I tried re-dying my hair blue. Did it work? Nooooooo. It's still green. It's not even a teal looking color. It's legit green now. Not that I really mind. I like green. Just not as much as blue. But, I refuse to give in and bleach my hair, so I guess it is kinda my fault. Whatever. I'll try again soon enough.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Delanna in Lostland
I got lost. Again. College campuses should not be this big. And, if they must insist on being this big, they should have better maps that have every building labeled on them and not just the popular ones. After listening to at least 20 different lectures ranging from useless to never gonna need, everyone was expected to sign up for their classes. Most incoming freshmen, who where wise enough not enter a senior college during their first year, got shown to different rooms where they got to figure out their courses which a counselor. If I attend this college, I stupidly decided to go into art and design, which involves me going into the senior college my freshman year. Since there weren't enough orientation leaders to go around, I was "kindly" told where to go without directions. I wandered around with like one other person who was stupid enough to make the same choice that I did for like a good twenty minutes until we miraculously stumbled upon the building we were supposed to be at. After climbing the stairs and looking on every floor (the elevators were out of order, and the leader conveniently forgot to tell us what floor the counselor's office was), we found it on the fourth floor. It only took an hour to actually schedule (literally nothing was working). Once I was done, I was allowed to leave for the day. I wound up going through a different door than the one I came in and got lost even more. It was so bad that I called my dad who knows the campus relatively well (he graduated from this college), but he only made it worse by having my take the longest way possible. At the time, I didn't know, so I collapsed with relief in my car and left. It was only until I got home that I found that I could've taken a shorter route that would've taken about five minutes instead of the twenty minutes I wasted on my dad's path. Needless to say, both my mom and I chewed him out when he got home from work. His defense was that he wanted me to take the more "scenic" route, but I don't believe that for a second. Do you? Oh well, at least it's finally all over.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Monday, June 13, 2016
The Legend of the Lost Tomatoes (That Are More Rotten Than Lost)
The title makes no sense whatsoever. Sorry. It's like a mishmash of everything of importance that happened to me today. I kept getting lost. And, my grandmother called to inform me that she had two more baskets full of cherry tomatoes. Joy. The two things I love the most: getting lost and rotten tomatoes from my grandmother. Trust me. The tomatoes are not lost. Unfortunately, I know exactly where they are. They are currently festering in my fridge. Well, today, I had orientation (as you should already know if you bothered to read my earlier post). They supposedly showed us around, but I kept getting lost. Plus, it was like 100 degrees outside which made wandering around aimlessly trying to find the testing room 100 times worse. To make matters worse, the second I was "released" from orientation, I rushed to my car ready to go home and curl up in bed, but I had to go pick up rotten tomatoes from my grandmother before I could even think about heading home. After about five lectures (most of which involved me dying young during college from things varying from frost bite to accidental amputation), I was finally allowed to go home. Where I collapsed in my bed. Now, I barely have the energy to post this. Let alone make sense. So, I apologize to you, the reader, for having to read this...whatever it is... post thingy. GOOD NIGHT.
- Delanna
P.S. I honestly can't believe that I have another day full of this tomorrow. :'(
- Delanna
P.S. I honestly can't believe that I have another day full of this tomorrow. :'(
Finally! Big Thunder Mountain Railroad Is Mine! BWAHAHAHA!
You have to understand. I have literally been dying to get this book ever since it was released, but I could never find it at any of the stores (I prefer to avoid online shopping at any costs because I get things much faster if I just go to the bloody store). I had orientation at LSU (not that I'm actually going or anything because I'm still unsure even though I should be sure by this point), and I was super bored and drained after three hours worth of testing that I should have done a while ago. In order to conquer my boredom, I walked to the Barnes and Noble on campus where I discovered TWO copies of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad sitting on the shelf, so I bought one and almost immediately finished it after buying it. It's super amazing. So much so that everyone should read it. I am super happy that I am its new, proud owner! Haha, I'm pretty pathetic, aren't I? But, who cares? I'm in love with this book (that's how amazing it is).
- Delanna
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