Thursday, July 21, 2016

You Make No Sense

I never make sense, but my mom doesn't need to point that out to me... That's just mean. I try to make sense, but it never works. Everything makes sense in my head, but when I try to convey that to other people, it never comes out right. So what if I only wanted to put pickles and cheese on a stick to eat?! It makes sense because I wanted to eat pickles AND cheese but getting up is such a pain, so if I just put both of them on a stick, I have everything I want to eat in one place which eliminates unnecessary movements. Duh. Perfect sense. Even if it is a bit disgusting... Actually, I'm starting to get my mom's point of view. I will literally never do that again...

- Delanna

P.S. Buuuuuuut, this incident will not prevent me from doing other weird things that she claims are extremely pointless and stupid. Unless I see the light. Then, I'll stop. Promise. :)

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