Monday, July 25, 2016

I Feel Like I Should, But Really I Shouldn't

It's band camp week (a.k.a. a week of absolute torture for those in band). Since I graduated and am no longer in band, I don't have to attend it, but I feel like even though those things are true, I should still be attending. It's probably because I have to wake up early in order to take Kylle there on time. Also, I kinda wind up going to help my dad whenever he goes. So, in a way nothing has changed. Buuuuut, I no longer have to do drill, march, or nearly pass out from dehydration, heatstroke, sunstroke and/or something similar to that. Which is totally a plus. I guess in a way I miss band (and yes, even the band camp from hell), but I definitely don't miss some of the people or the drama that I had to go through while in band. Honestly, I don't know what to think when I watch Kylle march out there without me.

- Delanna

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