Saturday, July 16, 2016


The new Ghostbusters movie is amazing! I just got through seeing it, and I nearly died of laughter. I'm a huge fan of the original (don't judge, but I thought it was a classic), but this one totally blew it out of the ball park. Seriously, everyone should go see it before it goes out of theaters. It is totally worth it if you love laughing so hard to where you can no longer feel your sides. The best part of the whole movie (in my opinion) is the cameo of one of the original Ghostbusters. He shows up as a taxi driver and even says, "I ain't afraid of no ghosts!" Pure beauty. Even though it is a double negative... Even so, you totally need to go see it now!!

- Delanna

P.S. When I saw it at AMC, I got this amazing pin with the Ghostbusters logo! I'm totally obsessed with it! I want to put it somewhere cool, but I'm not sure what to do with it just yet.

P.P.S. For some reason, I have a strange desire to drive a white hearse that doubles as a nuclear bomb and has an un-American sounding siren...

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