Friday, July 22, 2016

She Was So Bad***

I had to go to a funeral for a cousin (I think, but I'm not really sure since I never knew this person existed before). The two funeral directors in charge of the funeral were two petite women who were barely older than me. I would say neither of them was over 25 years old. The smallest one was literally bad*** (please excuse my language, but it's literally the only word capable of describing her). She drove the freaking hearse and handled it so well. With the assistance of the other director, they were both able to smoothly pull out the coffin and bring it to the place where it was going to be buried. I was lost for words. Had I been the one in charge of doing that, I would have wrecked the hearse, dropped and/or dented the coffin, and probably have killed someone with it. I probably sound like the worst human alive for saying all of this, but it's true. You would totally understand if you had been there. Maybe.

- Delanna

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