Saturday, July 9, 2016

Delanna-chan is Always Listless

Those of you who know me know that I lack both energy and motivation when it comes to most things (believe it or not, but I do get motivated over more things now than ever before). It's sad. But, it's totally true. No point in hiding it. It literally takes a lot of motivation for me to get up during the morning because I hate mornings. They're so fake and bright (I swear I'm a vampire sometimes, but the fact that I can't stand the sight of blood may mean I'm something else entirely...). Also, I'm super slow when it comes to doing things. I mean, I get what I'm supposed to do done, but I do it according to my own time (and no one else's if I can help it), and I tend to do exactly what I'm supposed to and nothing more (unless it's art related because I go all out for that kind of stuff). I thought there was no one out there that understood me, but then, a friend pointed me to an anime saying that the main character made even me look like the most energetic person in the world. Tanaka-kun is Always Listless is literally me but a hundred times worse. I look at the main character, Tanaka-kun and see myself because he does all the weird, lackadaisical things that I do but on a larger scale. I mean, seriously, people who shared more than one class with me (especially classes before lunch) know that I would show up to school barely on time and then immediately fell asleep. Once the bell for that class rang, I would somehow manage to drag myself to the next one and would promptly fall back asleep as soon I sat down in my seat (which I was barely on time getting to). I would repeat this until my lunch period where I would maybe eat something before going to the library to sleep. Sometimes, I wouldn't even make it to the library and would just sleep outside at a table. After lunch, I would have a little energy for art (literally the only class I cared about), and then, I would sleep through band (well, as much as possible since I kinda had to be awake to play, but honestly, I stopped caring about that class back at the beginning of the year due to stupid drama that I'm still not 100% over) without a care in the world which kinda annoyed the people around me. But, whatever. Seriously, I'm surprised that I managed to graduate at all. My study habits were pretty bad. In fact, I would say they were basically nonexistent. It seems that I would absorb the information through my sleep and would copy any notes that I missed from my friend later. Literally, I was like the worst high school student ever (even though my grades didn't show it at all considering I was an honors student who graduated with honors), but Tanaka-kun makes me look like the hard-working type. It's beautiful, but it also makes me feel like I was slacking at slacking. I'm pathetic. In the anime, Tanaka-kun has a best friend, Ohta, who pretty much takes care of him. When I looked back at my entire high school career, I realized that I, too, have my own Ohta known as Taylor. Literally, if it wasn't for her, I would never have survived. She acted as a translator for me by taking my language and putting it into terms that even the stupidest of people could understand. She made sure I got to class, had my notes straight, and would even kick me awake when I was about to get into trouble (she even got me out of trouble a lot, but for the most part, half of that trouble was caused by the both of us). She reminded me to eat when I sometimes forgot about bothering to eat. She basically reminded about everything else, too (because my memory has been shot at such a young age, she literally became my personal calendar). She did these things and so much more. The only thing she didn't do was carry me around like Ohta does for Tanaka-kun. I'll have to talk to her about that, but I doubt she could actually pick me up and carry me around. I have no idea what I'm gonna do when I move off to college, and she's still here. I'll probably forget to take care of myself or even wake up, and I'll wind up dying or something. But anyway, if you watch this anime, you will seriously see me in it. Kinda. You should watch it either way. It's good even if you don't see it. It has taught me so much about being truly listless and has even shown me how much more I need to work own my own listlessness.

Tanaka-kun (a.k.a. me)

Ohta (a.k.a. my friend, Taylor)

I definitely need to talk her into carrying me around like this. That way, I don't have to use my legs, and my chances of getting lost decrease significantly (she has a waaaaay better sense of direction than I do).

If I can't convince her to carry me, maybe I can convince her to drag me around? I guess she might get back damage from this, and I would totally get dirty. But, wouldn't it make for a better future if that meant I didn't get lost and didn't have to bug her for directions anymore?

Seriously, this looks so comfortable. It may be a little rough at times, but it doesn't really matter in the long run if I don't have to use my legs, right?

This is my only true goal in life.

This is literally me in every class I ever had in high school (with the exception of art because it was the only worthwhile class I had and band/P.E. because I didn't take notes or anything like that in those classes that would allow me to fall asleep).

And, this is totally that one time in math class when I actually did go to sleep (usually it's just a light sleep, but that day I was so tired that there was no hope in waking me).

This may very well be the longest post I've ever written. All this writing and searching for pictures has made me sleepy, so I think I'll go to bed once I post this.

- Delanna

P.S. See what I did with the title? I put my own name in the title instead of Tanaka-kun's, and I even used the feminine version of "-kun" by using "-chan"! Aren't I clever?! Not really, but good try anyway, Del. It's too late for me to function properly...

P.P.S. This is literally just me rambling, so if it doesn't make sense, don't strain yourself while trying to make it make sense. If that makes any senses, that is...

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