Sunday, July 3, 2016

That Awkward Moment When a Catholic Priest Walks Into a Room Almost Full of Baptists

Have you ever been unfortunate enough to be stuck in a room when a Catholic priest decides to walk in where the majority of the people in it are die hard Baptists (the kind that absolutely hates Catholics)? Well, if you haven't, lemme tell you something. The tension is so thick that you can literally cut it with a knife, serve it for dinner, and still have some left for future meals. It's ridiculous. I felt so bad for the priest. Especially when my grandmother told him to drop dead. All he wanted to do was pray for her, but she wasn't gonna have that. In fact, she said she would drop dead if he (or any Catholic) ever prayed for her. At least he didn't run out of the room crying like the last couple of nurses. I really wish my grandmother would stop insulting people.

- Delanna

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