Thursday, July 14, 2016

A Certain Texan's Inquiry

Today, I went to the LASM with Mark to listen to a talk about animation. After it was over, Mark and I started playing Pokémon Go outside when a lady began yelling at us from the backseat of a car that was stopped at a light. She wanted to know what we were doing, and Mark told her what we were playing. She started laughing at us (I seriously doubt it was with us since we weren't really laughing) and wished us good luck as her car sped away. The whole thing was super creepy. I mean, why would she care what we were doing?! It makes no sense! Neither of us knew her, so it was really none of her business which makes her inquiring about it super sketchy. Maybe she kidnaps people playing Pokémon games while walking around? Who knows...?  I hope I never find out, and I pray that never run into her again.

- Delanna

P.S. The only reason I say she is from Texas is because the license plate was from Texas. But, I guess she could have been from Louisiana or some other state and was only catching a ride with a Texan.

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