Friday, July 8, 2016

I'm Not a Morning Person

I should not be held liable for anything that may happen when someone tries to wake me up. Especially in the morning. I'm not fully conscience of what happens when I'm half asleep. Over the years, my family members (well, at least my parents) have learned that it is better to let me sleep than to try to attempt to wake me up. It's sad, but true. I just hate mornings, so why even bother facing them when I could just sleep through them? They feel so fake to me. Unlike the darkness of night, it's just too bright and cheery for me to deal. At least the afternoons are a bit toned down in comparison. I guess. Even though my family and I have lived together for a long time now, we still have accidents where someone tries to get me up earlier than usual and something happens as a result of that. Like this morning, for example. Apparently (I have no memory of this whatsoever), Delaney climbed in my bed and tried to get me up in order to get me to take her somewhere. According to Delaney, I wound up judo flipping her out of my bed after she tried shaking me awake. According to my parents, I pushed her out instead of flipping her out of my bed after she pounced on me. I dunno which side is true or if either side is even true. All I know is that I was having a great dream about cheese and awoke to a glass of water being poured on my face (this is literally how my parents wake me up these days especially when I had little sleep the night before). I guess I should try to do something about this especially since I'll be living on my own pretty soon. I might very well wind up sleeping through all of my classes in college because I failed to wake up and get out of bed in time. Oh well.

- Delanna

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