Friday, July 22, 2016

Funeral Processions Are Stressful

I rarely stress. It's pretty hard for me to actually stress because I'm usually super laid back, but sheesh, funeral processions are a completely different story. My mom kinda forced me to drive in the funeral procession today, and I wound up freaking out the entire time. First, I was the last car and was stuck behind this stupid red car (I know I drive a red car, but this is different...). It was hard to tell when the car was stopping because I couldn't tell when the brake lights went on due to the red of the car, the red from the head lights being on, and the car's emergency lights. Let's just say I wound up slamming on my brakes a lot and had several close calls. Second, it is super nerve racking when a cop car kept zooming past me when I least expected it. I know the cop was just doing his job by blocking the intersections for the procession to go through, but it literally scared me when I heard his car zoom by. I'm just glad we didn't go on the interstate. I would have definitely had a nervous breakdown. Actually, when we actually got to the graveyard or whatever it's called, I had to take about five minutes to recover from the whole thing. I literally pray that I will never have to do that again. If any of you die, don't except me to be in your funeral procession. No offense or anything, but I couldn't handle it. I would die, and then people would wind up having to be in my own funeral procession.

- Delanna

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