Tuesday, July 12, 2016

I'm Playing a Dangerous Game

I blame Mark. He introduced me to that new Pokémon game that you can play on your phone, and I'm already obsessed with it. I started playing it during the 10 o'clock news while they were doing a story on how dangerous the game is. It's funny because at the exact moment the story ended, my mom turned and stared at me. She proceeded to ask what I was downloading onto my phone, and I was like the Pokémon game they were just talking about. She totally freaked out and preceded to tell me how I was going to die playing it. If I die while playing this game, I totally deserve it because it means I was stupid and played it when I shouldn't have. Besides, how dangerous can an adorable Bulbasaur be?! It's too cute! I love it!

- Delanna

P.S. I'm super obsessed with Bulbasaur since it was the first Pokémon I caught. 

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