Thursday, July 28, 2016

My Brother Dances Like a Weirdo...

Today was Quest at band camp, so there was no way I was going to miss it because I can easily get some good blackmail on Kylle from that kind of stuff. I guess I should start by explaining what Quest is for those of you who don't know, but I'm not sure how to. It's really one of those things that you have to witness in order to truly understand it. I guess one way to explain would be a free-for-all kind of thing. The entire band is divided into teams, and each person from each team can bring literally whatever they want (I have heard stories of people bringing coffins and sofas to this thing). Then, the members of each team pool their stuff together and try to come up with the best solution (it's really the only word that semi-describes what I'm looking for) for whatever scenario the directors present. Some examples of scenarios I've been present for were things like best imaginary friend, best awkward family photo, best awkward dancer, and best superhero/sidekick combo. I'm not sure if any of that makes any sense, but whatever. It's your own fault for not being in band. Anyway, I went to see it because I was hoping Kylle would be forced to do something super embarrassing that I could catch on video and hold over his head for at least the next ten years of his life (it sounds terrible, but it's only revenge for that potato incident). I was getting pretty depressed as Quest began to come to an end since Kylle had yet to participate in anything remotely embarrassing, but the directors finally called for a team member who had yet to come up to partake in the classic awkward dancing contest. It was beautiful, and I caught the whole thing starting with the time his team started forcing him into a pretty leotard and pink miniskirt to the time where he ran back to his team and stripped off the offending costume. Apparently, he wound up winning the whole thing. I totally saw it coming because he dances like a fish out of water. At least, that's my opinion. Anyone would agree that it was super awkward (duh, he won the awkward dancing competition). I would totally post the video (even thought the video quality sucks due to me dying of laughter) with this, but I'm not that cruel. Unless he angers me in the near future. Then, I will totally post it. Bwahahahaha.

- Delanna

P.S. Never mention the "potato incident" in my presence. Never. Unless you have a death wish...

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