Friday, July 15, 2016

That Awkward Moment When You Run Into Your Old WHAP Teacher Only to Discover He's Playing Pokémon Go

I was awkwardly driving around the parking lot of Barnes and Nobles looking for a Pokémon that I had yet to catch (don't worry because someone else was doing the catching for me) when I saw my old WHAP teacher walking on the side walk to the bookstore. He saw me, so I parked my car and got out in order to talk with him. It turns out that he and his wife were also hunting for Pokémon. Weird. I would have never imagined that one of my old teachers would play it, but then again, he was always awesome and down-to-earth. So, in a way, I can totally see him doing it (kinda duh since I ran into him while he was playing it if that makes any sense) and understand why. It was pretty epic and awkward (at the same time) seeing him again. I seriously miss him and his class...

- Delanna

P.S. We both caught the same Pokémon that neither of us had yet. :)

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