Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Rest In Peace, Persy

I'm absolutely crushed. It was inevitable. I knew that eventually it would happen, but honestly, I didn't think it would happen so suddenly or so soon. At around 6:30, on July 26, 2016, Persephone Priscilla Poiencot died, causes unknown. I still can't believe it even though I know deep down that it's true. It happened so suddenly. When I took her out to clean her, she was fine, but as I was cleaning her, she began to go limp and was panting heavily. We rushed her off to the emergency room for animals. But, while in route, her condition worsened, and she passed away. I already miss her so much that it hurts, and it's only been about an hour. I miss how she would claw me to death and climb on top of me. I miss the way she would rub against me and purr. Knowing that I can never experience those things again and more makes it hard for me to go on living myself. Eventually, I'll get over it as the pain fades away while I remember the good times we had in the short time of knowing each other, but in a way, I'll never be the same. The pain of never being able to hold her again will never truly go away. I just wanted her to be happy, and I truly hope that she was. Now, all I have left is Pandy. Thankfully, she seems to be doing okay, but already, she is lonely, and one can tell that she misses Persy. I honestly believe that there is a place for animals that have passed away out there, and I hope that Persy is enjoying herself. I love you Persy. May you rest in peace.

- Delanna

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