Sunday, July 24, 2016

Games Confuse Me...

Mark lent me a game system (I think it's called a Nintendo something or other). I was instructed to play this "Pokémon" game on it. Well, after turning it on, I was immediately confused. Probably because I've never even touched one of these things before or really played "video games" before. After pushing random buttons for a hour or so (they should really label them better), I eventually figured it out. Kinda. Not really. It's more like a work in progress. I don't understand why there is an "A" and "B" button but then skips to "X" and "Y" buttons. Why not have a "C" and "D" button? Also, why are there two buttons (one shaped like a cross and the other shaped like a circle) that control movement? It doesn't make any sense. I really suck at gaming. I've only managed to catch 32 Pokémon. I don't think that's supposed to be very good, but it is fun. Oh well. Maybe I'll get better in time?

- Delanna

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