Friday, July 15, 2016

Nothing Beats a Good Round of Laser Tag

A bunch of my friends and I got together for a couple rounds of laser tag today! It was great! Nothing beats shooting lasers at your friends while chasing them around a dark, enclosed space. It's funny because I used to never understand why people loved it so much when I was in middle school. I had never played before my freshmen year, so when a bunch of my band peeps dragged me over to a laser tag joint, I didn't get the point of it. I remember being so confused during the first round that I just wound up walking around while shooting anything that moved. Apparently, I did a good job and came in first place with about double the amount of points of the first place player from the other team. Ever since that round, I've managed to always come in first place (unless my vest malfunctioned in the middle of the game). While winning is fun and everything, I find that there is a greater reason for why I love laser tag. It's hard to put what I feel into words, but I guess I can try. Over the four years that I've been playing, it has always been a chance for me to be with friends, and even people I absolutely hate, and have fun. I love seeing everyone smile and laugh with each other over what happened during a game. It's funny to watch people joke about scores and vest names. All the drama and hate that may have flowed like a river on the marching field seemed to evaporate in the laser tag building (even though it's pitch dark in there). It's weird, but that place brought a lot of us together. I have good memories of that laser tag building, so before I move away, I kinda want to go one last time with everyone (all my friends and even the people who I never got along with). It's kinda wishful thinking and maybe a bit stupid of me, but it would be fun, wouldn't it?

- Delanna

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