I totally forgot to mention in my earlier post that it's Harry Potter's birthday. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY POTTER! Yay! That is all. I don't even know why I made a separate post for this. Maybe it's the lack of sleep talking? I did stay up all night reading...
- Delanna
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Bwahahahahahahaha. After what felt like literally forever (in all actuality, it was only eight minutes after midnight), I'm finally the proud owner of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I love the feeling of a good book in my hand (does that mean I have a book fetish of some sort?). Wow. I am creepy. Well, if you'll excuse me, I have a book to binge-read (is that a thing?).
- Delanna
- Delanna
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Patience Totally Isn't My Thing When Waiting in Lines That Involve Books
Seriously, the wait is KILLING me (a.k.a. I'm super bored). It's pretty ridiculous. The line for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child just started, and the actual release is less than thirty minutes away. I don't think I can make it. Each minute is passing by like an hour. Why must time screw with me? Thirty minutes usually goes by super fast when I'm watching anime or drawing, but of course, it's gotta take its sweet time when a book release is involved. I must remember to kill time once I get my copy...
- Delanna
P.S. Here's an interesting fact about boredom. Believe it or not, boredom is a relatively new concept that stems from the current generation's need to constantly fill their time with distraction, entertainment, and/or reward. While boredom was mentioned vaguely in famous quotes earlier in history, today's boredom is considered to be in a league of its own.
- Delanna
P.S. Here's an interesting fact about boredom. Believe it or not, boredom is a relatively new concept that stems from the current generation's need to constantly fill their time with distraction, entertainment, and/or reward. While boredom was mentioned vaguely in famous quotes earlier in history, today's boredom is considered to be in a league of its own.
Is This the Last One For Real This Time?
Today, I'm currently at the midnight release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Part I and II) at Barnes and Noble! I totally thought Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows would be the last midnight release that I ever went to, but I guess I was wrong. It is literally Harry Potter fandom heaven here. Everyone is dressed up like the characters from the books. It's great. I even decided to dress up which is like super rare for me. Since I own parts of the Hogwarts uniform, I was like what the heck and threw it on. Anyway, I've almost died like twice tonight. It's ridiculous. Barnes and Noble is doing this thing where they are throwing balloons down from the second floor. They call it the owl post or whatever. If you catch one of the owl balloons, you can get a prize (I'm not really sure what it is, but I think it might be a t-shirt). I've tried twice, but each time ended in utter failure. Both times, I had an owl balloon coming straight at me, but everyone around me kept reaching over me and pushing me to the ground. Curse my height. I wonder if this prize is worth dying for. I've already witnessed two kids go down in tears because greedy adults pushed them to the ground. I kinda have a feeling the same thing is gonna happen to me, too, if I keep trying. Hopefully not. I would like to survive long enough to at least purchase the book and read it.

- Delanna
Friday, July 29, 2016
Is It Seriously Too Much to Ask For?
Is it too much to ask for my phone not to glitch when I don't want it to? Seriously. It always glitches at the worst possible times. Like for example, it seems to glitch whenever I want to defeat a gym on that Pokémon game. Or when I'm watching anime. It's totally annoying. I kinda feel like murdering my phone right now. But, I guess I should refrain since I wouldn't have a method of communication if I actually managed to pull it off...
- Delanna
- Delanna
Thursday, July 28, 2016
My Brother Dances Like a Weirdo...
Today was Quest at band camp, so there was no way I was going to miss it because I can easily get some good blackmail on Kylle from that kind of stuff. I guess I should start by explaining what Quest is for those of you who don't know, but I'm not sure how to. It's really one of those things that you have to witness in order to truly understand it. I guess one way to explain would be a free-for-all kind of thing. The entire band is divided into teams, and each person from each team can bring literally whatever they want (I have heard stories of people bringing coffins and sofas to this thing). Then, the members of each team pool their stuff together and try to come up with the best solution (it's really the only word that semi-describes what I'm looking for) for whatever scenario the directors present. Some examples of scenarios I've been present for were things like best imaginary friend, best awkward family photo, best awkward dancer, and best superhero/sidekick combo. I'm not sure if any of that makes any sense, but whatever. It's your own fault for not being in band. Anyway, I went to see it because I was hoping Kylle would be forced to do something super embarrassing that I could catch on video and hold over his head for at least the next ten years of his life (it sounds terrible, but it's only revenge for that potato incident). I was getting pretty depressed as Quest began to come to an end since Kylle had yet to participate in anything remotely embarrassing, but the directors finally called for a team member who had yet to come up to partake in the classic awkward dancing contest. It was beautiful, and I caught the whole thing starting with the time his team started forcing him into a pretty leotard and pink miniskirt to the time where he ran back to his team and stripped off the offending costume. Apparently, he wound up winning the whole thing. I totally saw it coming because he dances like a fish out of water. At least, that's my opinion. Anyone would agree that it was super awkward (duh, he won the awkward dancing competition). I would totally post the video (even thought the video quality sucks due to me dying of laughter) with this, but I'm not that cruel. Unless he angers me in the near future. Then, I will totally post it. Bwahahahaha.
- Delanna
P.S. Never mention the "potato incident" in my presence. Never. Unless you have a death wish...
- Delanna
P.S. Never mention the "potato incident" in my presence. Never. Unless you have a death wish...
I Love Vets
Literally, vets are the best. I took Pandy to the vet today, and she assured me that she was 100% okay. I'm super relieved. I think I stressed more today than I've ever stressed in my entire life (combined). It was ridiculous. Anyway, the vet I went to was super nice and even cut Pandy's nails for free (it is ridiculously hard to cut them). It made me really happy. Seriously, I'm super glad that Pandy's alright.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Poor Pandy
I don't think Pandy has been able to sleep much. I keep waking her up by checking on her, but I'm pretty scared that something might happen to her, too. Luckily, I'll be able to take her to the vet tomorrow. I hope she is okay. I don't know what I would do if I lost her, too.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Rest In Peace, Persy
I'm absolutely crushed. It was inevitable. I knew that eventually it would happen, but honestly, I didn't think it would happen so suddenly or so soon. At around 6:30, on July 26, 2016, Persephone Priscilla Poiencot died, causes unknown. I still can't believe it even though I know deep down that it's true. It happened so suddenly. When I took her out to clean her, she was fine, but as I was cleaning her, she began to go limp and was panting heavily. We rushed her off to the emergency room for animals. But, while in route, her condition worsened, and she passed away. I already miss her so much that it hurts, and it's only been about an hour. I miss how she would claw me to death and climb on top of me. I miss the way she would rub against me and purr. Knowing that I can never experience those things again and more makes it hard for me to go on living myself. Eventually, I'll get over it as the pain fades away while I remember the good times we had in the short time of knowing each other, but in a way, I'll never be the same. The pain of never being able to hold her again will never truly go away. I just wanted her to be happy, and I truly hope that she was. Now, all I have left is Pandy. Thankfully, she seems to be doing okay, but already, she is lonely, and one can tell that she misses Persy. I honestly believe that there is a place for animals that have passed away out there, and I hope that Persy is enjoying herself. I love you Persy. May you rest in peace.
- Delanna
The Guy Who Invented the Sun Roof Should Be Shot
Seriously, the guy who invented the sun roof should be shot. You want to know why? Well, as those of you in my area know, it was pretty much raining cats and dogs, shoemakers' apprentices, chair legs, fire and brimstone, frogs, and old ladies and sticks today. So much so, that my sister and I were pretty much stranded in my car (even though it was parked right in front of my house). Delaney, who was terrified, decided to start messing with buttons to take her mind off the lightning around us. Well, she "accidentally" (I think she did it on purpose because it was clearly labeled) hit the button that opened my sun roof. So, in the end, we both got soaked along with the inside of my car. Which was the very thing we were trying to avoid. Joy. Therefore, I think the person who invented that useless thing (I never use it at least) should be shot. Seriously, who uses those things? It's just a hole in a roof. Nothing special. It's too small to let in wind, but it's big enough to let a lot of water in. Go figure.
- Delanna
P.S. We use the saying, "It's raining cats and dogs," in America, right? So where are the other ones from? Well, "It's raining shoemakers' apprentices," (Det regner skomagerdrenge) is Danish. "It's raining chair legs," (Βρέχει καρεκλοπόδαρα/Brékhei kareklopódara) is Greek while, "It's raining fire and brimstone," (Það rignir eld og brennustein) is Icelandic. The Polish use, "It's raining frogs," (Leje zabami), and the Welsh say, "It's raining old ladies and sticks" (Mae hi'n bwrw hen wragedd a ffyn).
- Delanna
P.S. We use the saying, "It's raining cats and dogs," in America, right? So where are the other ones from? Well, "It's raining shoemakers' apprentices," (Det regner skomagerdrenge) is Danish. "It's raining chair legs," (Βρέχει καρεκλοπόδαρα/Brékhei kareklopódara) is Greek while, "It's raining fire and brimstone," (Það rignir eld og brennustein) is Icelandic. The Polish use, "It's raining frogs," (Leje zabami), and the Welsh say, "It's raining old ladies and sticks" (Mae hi'n bwrw hen wragedd a ffyn).
Monday, July 25, 2016
I Feel Like I Should, But Really I Shouldn't
It's band camp week (a.k.a. a week of absolute torture for those in band). Since I graduated and am no longer in band, I don't have to attend it, but I feel like even though those things are true, I should still be attending. It's probably because I have to wake up early in order to take Kylle there on time. Also, I kinda wind up going to help my dad whenever he goes. So, in a way nothing has changed. Buuuuut, I no longer have to do drill, march, or nearly pass out from dehydration, heatstroke, sunstroke and/or something similar to that. Which is totally a plus. I guess in a way I miss band (and yes, even the band camp from hell), but I definitely don't miss some of the people or the drama that I had to go through while in band. Honestly, I don't know what to think when I watch Kylle march out there without me.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Games Confuse Me...
Mark lent me a game system (I think it's called a Nintendo something or other). I was instructed to play this "Pokémon" game on it. Well, after turning it on, I was immediately confused. Probably because I've never even touched one of these things before or really played "video games" before. After pushing random buttons for a hour or so (they should really label them better), I eventually figured it out. Kinda. Not really. It's more like a work in progress. I don't understand why there is an "A" and "B" button but then skips to "X" and "Y" buttons. Why not have a "C" and "D" button? Also, why are there two buttons (one shaped like a cross and the other shaped like a circle) that control movement? It doesn't make any sense. I really suck at gaming. I've only managed to catch 32 Pokémon. I don't think that's supposed to be very good, but it is fun. Oh well. Maybe I'll get better in time?
- Delanna
- Delanna
Saturday, July 23, 2016
I'm Currently Trending in Russia
I'm currently trending in Russia (well, I guess it doesn't really count as trending per say...)! How awesome is that?! 248 views! It's kinda sad that there's only 26 views from my own bloody country, but whatever. Thanks, Russian peoples! I really appreciate it. It's kinda cool to see that people from other countries have taken a liking to my blog. I hope you all continue to read and enjoy my blog. Just tell me if I ever get too boring. I'll try to spice it up by living a more interesting life. :)
- Delanna
- Delanna
Friday, July 22, 2016
It's Sad When My Grandmother Bypasses Me Easily...
So, when I was driving home from the funeral (going the speed limit), my grandmother suddenly appeared out of nowhere and passed me going about 20 miles over the limit while honking the horn angrily at me. It was both terrifying and a bit funny. I have no idea how she was able to catch up with me. I did take a detour that took a little longer than usual, but my grandmother stopped at Stage to go shopping which usually takes her fooooorever (trust me, I should know because she's dragged me on several shopping trips over the years). Regardless of how it happened, I wonder if she knew it was me or not since she seemed angry when she passed me up...
- Delanna
- Delanna
Funeral Processions Are Stressful
I rarely stress. It's pretty hard for me to actually stress because I'm usually super laid back, but sheesh, funeral processions are a completely different story. My mom kinda forced me to drive in the funeral procession today, and I wound up freaking out the entire time. First, I was the last car and was stuck behind this stupid red car (I know I drive a red car, but this is different...). It was hard to tell when the car was stopping because I couldn't tell when the brake lights went on due to the red of the car, the red from the head lights being on, and the car's emergency lights. Let's just say I wound up slamming on my brakes a lot and had several close calls. Second, it is super nerve racking when a cop car kept zooming past me when I least expected it. I know the cop was just doing his job by blocking the intersections for the procession to go through, but it literally scared me when I heard his car zoom by. I'm just glad we didn't go on the interstate. I would have definitely had a nervous breakdown. Actually, when we actually got to the graveyard or whatever it's called, I had to take about five minutes to recover from the whole thing. I literally pray that I will never have to do that again. If any of you die, don't except me to be in your funeral procession. No offense or anything, but I couldn't handle it. I would die, and then people would wind up having to be in my own funeral procession.
- Delanna
- Delanna
She Was So Bad***
I had to go to a funeral for a cousin (I think, but I'm not really sure since I never knew this person existed before). The two funeral directors in charge of the funeral were two petite women who were barely older than me. I would say neither of them was over 25 years old. The smallest one was literally bad*** (please excuse my language, but it's literally the only word capable of describing her). She drove the freaking hearse and handled it so well. With the assistance of the other director, they were both able to smoothly pull out the coffin and bring it to the place where it was going to be buried. I was lost for words. Had I been the one in charge of doing that, I would have wrecked the hearse, dropped and/or dented the coffin, and probably have killed someone with it. I probably sound like the worst human alive for saying all of this, but it's true. You would totally understand if you had been there. Maybe.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Thursday, July 21, 2016
You Make No Sense
I never make sense, but my mom doesn't need to point that out to me... That's just mean. I try to make sense, but it never works. Everything makes sense in my head, but when I try to convey that to other people, it never comes out right. So what if I only wanted to put pickles and cheese on a stick to eat?! It makes sense because I wanted to eat pickles AND cheese but getting up is such a pain, so if I just put both of them on a stick, I have everything I want to eat in one place which eliminates unnecessary movements. Duh. Perfect sense. Even if it is a bit disgusting... Actually, I'm starting to get my mom's point of view. I will literally never do that again...
- Delanna
P.S. Buuuuuuut, this incident will not prevent me from doing other weird things that she claims are extremely pointless and stupid. Unless I see the light. Then, I'll stop. Promise. :)
- Delanna
P.S. Buuuuuuut, this incident will not prevent me from doing other weird things that she claims are extremely pointless and stupid. Unless I see the light. Then, I'll stop. Promise. :)
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Finally! I Have Achieved Blueness! Kinda...
I tried dying my hair blue for like the trillionth time, and it worked! Well, kinda. It's more blue now than it has ever been before, but it's still a bit teal. Oh well. At this rate, I might actually get my hair to turn blue by the end of summer if I keep trying. But, then again, it might have just been pure luck...
- Delanna
- Delanna
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
This Is Literally Me
Today's just been one of those days, ya know? It's been super long, so I kinda wanna pass out. Kinda like this:
I didn't actually do much today when I think about it. I guess there's something wrong with me or something. Or maybe it's just because the day took too long to end due to absolute boredom, and I just got tired from waiting? Yep, I totally need to get a more exciting life. Or just a life in general...
- Delanna
I didn't actually do much today when I think about it. I guess there's something wrong with me or something. Or maybe it's just because the day took too long to end due to absolute boredom, and I just got tired from waiting? Yep, I totally need to get a more exciting life. Or just a life in general...
- Delanna
Monday, July 18, 2016
He Decided It Was Better to Just Humor Me
Sometimes, it's just better to humor me. My dad made the right choice. I was riding in the car with him when I saw a Pikachu nearby on Pokémon Go. I didn't have it, so I was like turn around now. I don't know what actually got him to turn around, but he did. Maybe it was the look on my face? Or the fact that I may or may not have kept annoying him until he did turn around? Who knows? We wound up driving around for twenty minutes, but I could never find it. I guess it was kinda a waste of time, but we both had fun.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Life's Unanswered Questions
1. What happens when you get "scared half to death" twice?
2. Do cannibals avoid eating clowns because they might taste funny?
3. If all the world's a stage, where does the audience sit?
4. If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
5. If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the others drown, too?
6. If you don't pay your exorcist, do you get repossessed?
7. How can one person be "dirt poor" while another person is "filthy rich"?
8. How fast do hotcakes sell?
9. Why does round pizza come in a square box?
10. When sign makers go on strike, is there anything written on their signs?
- Delanna
2. Do cannibals avoid eating clowns because they might taste funny?
3. If all the world's a stage, where does the audience sit?
4. If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
5. If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the others drown, too?
6. If you don't pay your exorcist, do you get repossessed?
7. How can one person be "dirt poor" while another person is "filthy rich"?
8. How fast do hotcakes sell?
9. Why does round pizza come in a square box?
10. When sign makers go on strike, is there anything written on their signs?
- Delanna
Saturday, July 16, 2016
The new Ghostbusters movie is amazing! I just got through seeing it, and I nearly died of laughter. I'm a huge fan of the original (don't judge, but I thought it was a classic), but this one totally blew it out of the ball park. Seriously, everyone should go see it before it goes out of theaters. It is totally worth it if you love laughing so hard to where you can no longer feel your sides. The best part of the whole movie (in my opinion) is the cameo of one of the original Ghostbusters. He shows up as a taxi driver and even says, "I ain't afraid of no ghosts!" Pure beauty. Even though it is a double negative... Even so, you totally need to go see it now!!
- Delanna
P.S. When I saw it at AMC, I got this amazing pin with the Ghostbusters logo! I'm totally obsessed with it! I want to put it somewhere cool, but I'm not sure what to do with it just yet.
P.P.S. For some reason, I have a strange desire to drive a white hearse that doubles as a nuclear bomb and has an un-American sounding siren...

- Delanna
P.S. When I saw it at AMC, I got this amazing pin with the Ghostbusters logo! I'm totally obsessed with it! I want to put it somewhere cool, but I'm not sure what to do with it just yet.
P.P.S. For some reason, I have a strange desire to drive a white hearse that doubles as a nuclear bomb and has an un-American sounding siren...
Friday, July 15, 2016
Nothing Beats a Good Round of Laser Tag
A bunch of my friends and I got together for a couple rounds of laser tag today! It was great! Nothing beats shooting lasers at your friends while chasing them around a dark, enclosed space. It's funny because I used to never understand why people loved it so much when I was in middle school. I had never played before my freshmen year, so when a bunch of my band peeps dragged me over to a laser tag joint, I didn't get the point of it. I remember being so confused during the first round that I just wound up walking around while shooting anything that moved. Apparently, I did a good job and came in first place with about double the amount of points of the first place player from the other team. Ever since that round, I've managed to always come in first place (unless my vest malfunctioned in the middle of the game). While winning is fun and everything, I find that there is a greater reason for why I love laser tag. It's hard to put what I feel into words, but I guess I can try. Over the four years that I've been playing, it has always been a chance for me to be with friends, and even people I absolutely hate, and have fun. I love seeing everyone smile and laugh with each other over what happened during a game. It's funny to watch people joke about scores and vest names. All the drama and hate that may have flowed like a river on the marching field seemed to evaporate in the laser tag building (even though it's pitch dark in there). It's weird, but that place brought a lot of us together. I have good memories of that laser tag building, so before I move away, I kinda want to go one last time with everyone (all my friends and even the people who I never got along with). It's kinda wishful thinking and maybe a bit stupid of me, but it would be fun, wouldn't it?
- Delanna

- Delanna
That Awkward Moment When You Run Into Your Old WHAP Teacher Only to Discover He's Playing Pokémon Go
I was awkwardly driving around the parking lot of Barnes and Nobles looking for a Pokémon that I had yet to catch (don't worry because someone else was doing the catching for me) when I saw my old WHAP teacher walking on the side walk to the bookstore. He saw me, so I parked my car and got out in order to talk with him. It turns out that he and his wife were also hunting for Pokémon. Weird. I would have never imagined that one of my old teachers would play it, but then again, he was always awesome and down-to-earth. So, in a way, I can totally see him doing it (kinda duh since I ran into him while he was playing it if that makes any sense) and understand why. It was pretty epic and awkward (at the same time) seeing him again. I seriously miss him and his class...
- Delanna
P.S. We both caught the same Pokémon that neither of us had yet. :)
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Beware the Stampede of Squirtle Followers
After that run-in with that strange Texan, I was walking around downtown with Mark playing Pokémon Go when we stumbled across a Squirtle outside Slits and Giggles. It was something I didn't have yet, so we stopped and caught it. Right when we had finished, a huge crowd of people poured out of the Slits and Giggles. Apparently, they had also caught sight of the Squirtle and were coming for it. Since they were coming right at us, we naturally ran for our lives. Literally. Never get in between a group of Pokémon Go players and a Squirtle. It's pretty brutal. I have a feeling that they would have torn us to shreds if we had stayed there any longer. I have never been so terrified before in my life.
- Delanna
- Delanna
A Certain Texan's Inquiry
Today, I went to the LASM with Mark to listen to a talk about animation. After it was over, Mark and I started playing Pokémon Go outside when a lady began yelling at us from the backseat of a car that was stopped at a light. She wanted to know what we were doing, and Mark told her what we were playing. She started laughing at us (I seriously doubt it was with us since we weren't really laughing) and wished us good luck as her car sped away. The whole thing was super creepy. I mean, why would she care what we were doing?! It makes no sense! Neither of us knew her, so it was really none of her business which makes her inquiring about it super sketchy. Maybe she kidnaps people playing Pokémon games while walking around? Who knows...? I hope I never find out, and I pray that never run into her again.
- Delanna
P.S. The only reason I say she is from Texas is because the license plate was from Texas. But, I guess she could have been from Louisiana or some other state and was only catching a ride with a Texan.
- Delanna
P.S. The only reason I say she is from Texas is because the license plate was from Texas. But, I guess she could have been from Louisiana or some other state and was only catching a ride with a Texan.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
National French Fry Day
Happy Nation French Fry Day!!! It's literally one of the best obscure national holidays in existence. It's right up there with National Run it Up the Flagpole Day and See if Anyone Salutes Day (January 2), National Peculiar People Day (January 10), and National Pig Day (March 1). I hope you've all celebrated with some nice french fries! I should did! Too bad it wasn't National Cheese Fry Day (April 20). I could have used me some cheese fries...
- Delanna

- Delanna
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
I'm Playing a Dangerous Game
I blame Mark. He introduced me to that new Pokémon game that you can play on your phone, and I'm already obsessed with it. I started playing it during the 10 o'clock news while they were doing a story on how dangerous the game is. It's funny because at the exact moment the story ended, my mom turned and stared at me. She proceeded to ask what I was downloading onto my phone, and I was like the Pokémon game they were just talking about. She totally freaked out and preceded to tell me how I was going to die playing it. If I die while playing this game, I totally deserve it because it means I was stupid and played it when I shouldn't have. Besides, how dangerous can an adorable Bulbasaur be?! It's too cute! I love it!
- Delanna
P.S. I'm super obsessed with Bulbasaur since it was the first Pokémon I caught.

- Delanna
P.S. I'm super obsessed with Bulbasaur since it was the first Pokémon I caught.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Too. Early. In. The. Bloody. Morning.
I hate waking up early in the morning. I think we've already been over this, but in case you forgot, it's 100% true. For the entire week (at least until Friday), I have to wake up at 6:00 every morning in order to make sure that I'm awake and can drive my sister (without killing us in an accident caused by a sleep deprived me) to horse camp that starts at seven somethingish (I should probably know this, but honestly, I don't care because I leave whenever my mom kicks me out the house). It's sad that I have to wake up a hour in advance to make sure that I can semi-function in time to drive to Farr Park. It's literally pathetic. I was thinking about it this morning. I need to work on getting up in the morning. But, by the time I got home, I remembered why I try to sleep through mornings if I can. It's too bright. Waaaaaaaay too bright. I felt blinded by the brightness all the way there and back. Maybe I need to invest in some sunglasses, but there are so many other things that I would rather invest in... I think I will continue trying to sleep mornings away instead. It's easier that way.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Sunday, July 10, 2016
A Moment of Silence for Every Inator That Self-Destructed
Today, I walked in on Delaney watching Phineas and Ferb which made me super happy and caused me to sit with her for hours until we watched about two seasons worth of episodes. I literally loved that show, and it crushed me to see it end. One reason was that it was literally a show that I couldn't wait to watch (since I never had cable, and still don't, I had to watch it on vacations, so instead of actually sleeping at a hotel, my siblings and I would literally stay up to all hours of the night watching the Disney Channel until it became what it is today). Another reason was the fact that I was obsessed with Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Perry the Platypus (I mean, Phineas and Ferb were cool, but an evil scientist is totally the coolest). First off, his name and backstory is amazing. I love how his nemesis is a platypus of all things (he's like me in a way because my nemesis is literally a banana probably named Bart). Second off, I loved how he would explain his plot in detail after capturing Perry in some weak trap. But, I have to say that the thing I love most is every inator he made and how they all wind up self-destructing in the end. It's classic evil villain stuff. His inators literally made me happy. Especially when they self-destructed. Here are some of my favorites throughout the series. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
- Delanna
The purpose of this inator was to collect all the gnomes in the Tri-Sate Area and destroy them because of the humiliation Dr. Doofenshmirtz faced as a child after being forced to replace the family gnome. It self-destructed after Agent P. pushed him into the level which caused the gnomes to shoot back out in different directions. Overall, it was hilarious and makes me wish that I had some tragic backstory that would cause me to target something like gnomes. Maybe I should target bananas with my own Destruct-inator...?

This inator was supposed to deflate things all over the Tri-State area, but due to Doofenshmirtz's poor foresight, this inator wound up hitting a mirror and backfired on the blimp that he decided to mount it on. I like this one mostly because of how foolish it was. Especially since it was mounted on something that's easy to deflate.
Age Accelerator-inator

Who doesn't need an inator that ages one's special family cheese to perfection. I know I need one. I have a cheese fetish. Too bad it wound up blowing up and backfiring after being turned to the highest level. I personally wouldn't want that to happen to me.

The idea behind this little beauty of an inator was to freeze every animal agent out there and turn them into Dr. Doofenshmirtz's own giant chess set. I would like to turn my enemies into a chess set that I could use to crush other people with (not physically but by beating them in the game). Too bad the victims happened to somehow escape and destroy the inator...
Hog Dog Vendor Revenge-inator

Doofenshmirtz created this one to take revenge on hot dog vendors across the Tri-State Area since they always cut into his bratwurst sales. The inator was created to freeze the water that the vendors use to make the hot dogs which is super brillant. Without that water, they can't sell their meat. Bwahahaha. Take that meat eaters! Too bad it got destroyed in a wave of bratwurst.
BO-AT (Buoyancy Operated Aquatic Transport)
Technically, it's not an inator. Duh. You can tell by the name, but the name is what makes it so cool. Rather than calling it a boat like a normal person, Doofenshmirtz made it snazzier by making it into an epic acronym. Too bad it was taken down by his M.O.A.T. (Metropolitan Oval Aquatic Trench).
This inator was supposed to deflate things all over the Tri-State area, but due to Doofenshmirtz's poor foresight, this inator wound up hitting a mirror and backfired on the blimp that he decided to mount it on. I like this one mostly because of how foolish it was. Especially since it was mounted on something that's easy to deflate.
Age Accelerator-inator
Who doesn't need an inator that ages one's special family cheese to perfection. I know I need one. I have a cheese fetish. Too bad it wound up blowing up and backfiring after being turned to the highest level. I personally wouldn't want that to happen to me.

The idea behind this little beauty of an inator was to freeze every animal agent out there and turn them into Dr. Doofenshmirtz's own giant chess set. I would like to turn my enemies into a chess set that I could use to crush other people with (not physically but by beating them in the game). Too bad the victims happened to somehow escape and destroy the inator...
Hog Dog Vendor Revenge-inator
Doofenshmirtz created this one to take revenge on hot dog vendors across the Tri-State Area since they always cut into his bratwurst sales. The inator was created to freeze the water that the vendors use to make the hot dogs which is super brillant. Without that water, they can't sell their meat. Bwahahaha. Take that meat eaters! Too bad it got destroyed in a wave of bratwurst.
BO-AT (Buoyancy Operated Aquatic Transport)
Technically, it's not an inator. Duh. You can tell by the name, but the name is what makes it so cool. Rather than calling it a boat like a normal person, Doofenshmirtz made it snazzier by making it into an epic acronym. Too bad it was taken down by his M.O.A.T. (Metropolitan Oval Aquatic Trench).
Of course, I have several other favorite inators, but if I kept on, this post would literally never end. Seriously, this show makes my evil heart jump for joy every time I see a shiny new inator. But, every time one gets destroyed or just plan self-destructs, I wind up balling (so many tears). It's sad seeing such evil go to waste. Too bad Doofenshmirtz never had one plan go right. He should have totally been my apprentice. Then, he might have had a plan or two actually work.
- Delanna
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Delanna-chan is Always Listless
Those of you who know me know that I lack both energy and motivation when it comes to most things (believe it or not, but I do get motivated over more things now than ever before). It's sad. But, it's totally true. No point in hiding it. It literally takes a lot of motivation for me to get up during the morning because I hate mornings. They're so fake and bright (I swear I'm a vampire sometimes, but the fact that I can't stand the sight of blood may mean I'm something else entirely...). Also, I'm super slow when it comes to doing things. I mean, I get what I'm supposed to do done, but I do it according to my own time (and no one else's if I can help it), and I tend to do exactly what I'm supposed to and nothing more (unless it's art related because I go all out for that kind of stuff). I thought there was no one out there that understood me, but then, a friend pointed me to an anime saying that the main character made even me look like the most energetic person in the world. Tanaka-kun is Always Listless is literally me but a hundred times worse. I look at the main character, Tanaka-kun and see myself because he does all the weird, lackadaisical things that I do but on a larger scale. I mean, seriously, people who shared more than one class with me (especially classes before lunch) know that I would show up to school barely on time and then immediately fell asleep. Once the bell for that class rang, I would somehow manage to drag myself to the next one and would promptly fall back asleep as soon I sat down in my seat (which I was barely on time getting to). I would repeat this until my lunch period where I would maybe eat something before going to the library to sleep. Sometimes, I wouldn't even make it to the library and would just sleep outside at a table. After lunch, I would have a little energy for art (literally the only class I cared about), and then, I would sleep through band (well, as much as possible since I kinda had to be awake to play, but honestly, I stopped caring about that class back at the beginning of the year due to stupid drama that I'm still not 100% over) without a care in the world which kinda annoyed the people around me. But, whatever. Seriously, I'm surprised that I managed to graduate at all. My study habits were pretty bad. In fact, I would say they were basically nonexistent. It seems that I would absorb the information through my sleep and would copy any notes that I missed from my friend later. Literally, I was like the worst high school student ever (even though my grades didn't show it at all considering I was an honors student who graduated with honors), but Tanaka-kun makes me look like the hard-working type. It's beautiful, but it also makes me feel like I was slacking at slacking. I'm pathetic. In the anime, Tanaka-kun has a best friend, Ohta, who pretty much takes care of him. When I looked back at my entire high school career, I realized that I, too, have my own Ohta known as Taylor. Literally, if it wasn't for her, I would never have survived. She acted as a translator for me by taking my language and putting it into terms that even the stupidest of people could understand. She made sure I got to class, had my notes straight, and would even kick me awake when I was about to get into trouble (she even got me out of trouble a lot, but for the most part, half of that trouble was caused by the both of us). She reminded me to eat when I sometimes forgot about bothering to eat. She basically reminded about everything else, too (because my memory has been shot at such a young age, she literally became my personal calendar). She did these things and so much more. The only thing she didn't do was carry me around like Ohta does for Tanaka-kun. I'll have to talk to her about that, but I doubt she could actually pick me up and carry me around. I have no idea what I'm gonna do when I move off to college, and she's still here. I'll probably forget to take care of myself or even wake up, and I'll wind up dying or something. But anyway, if you watch this anime, you will seriously see me in it. Kinda. You should watch it either way. It's good even if you don't see it. It has taught me so much about being truly listless and has even shown me how much more I need to work own my own listlessness.
- Delanna
P.S. See what I did with the title? I put my own name in the title instead of Tanaka-kun's, and I even used the feminine version of "-kun" by using "-chan"! Aren't I clever?! Not really, but good try anyway, Del. It's too late for me to function properly...
P.P.S. This is literally just me rambling, so if it doesn't make sense, don't strain yourself while trying to make it make sense. If that makes any senses, that is...

Tanaka-kun (a.k.a. me)
Ohta (a.k.a. my friend, Taylor)
I definitely need to talk her into carrying me around like this. That way, I don't have to use my legs, and my chances of getting lost decrease significantly (she has a waaaaay better sense of direction than I do).

If I can't convince her to carry me, maybe I can convince her to drag me around? I guess she might get back damage from this, and I would totally get dirty. But, wouldn't it make for a better future if that meant I didn't get lost and didn't have to bug her for directions anymore?
Seriously, this looks so comfortable. It may be a little rough at times, but it doesn't really matter in the long run if I don't have to use my legs, right?
This is my only true goal in life.
This is literally me in every class I ever had in high school (with the exception of art because it was the only worthwhile class I had and band/P.E. because I didn't take notes or anything like that in those classes that would allow me to fall asleep).
And, this is totally that one time in math class when I actually did go to sleep (usually it's just a light sleep, but that day I was so tired that there was no hope in waking me).

This may very well be the longest post I've ever written. All this writing and searching for pictures has made me sleepy, so I think I'll go to bed once I post this.
- Delanna
P.S. See what I did with the title? I put my own name in the title instead of Tanaka-kun's, and I even used the feminine version of "-kun" by using "-chan"! Aren't I clever?! Not really, but good try anyway, Del. It's too late for me to function properly...
P.P.S. This is literally just me rambling, so if it doesn't make sense, don't strain yourself while trying to make it make sense. If that makes any senses, that is...
Friday, July 8, 2016
What About Me?! Delanna, You Get to Carry the Melon...
So, today was grandmother's birthday. I went all over town this morning looking for a variety of gifts that each of my family members could present her (since everyone waited until the last minute, I was tasked with this job because I didn't wake up early enough not to be tasked with that stupid job). I finally found something for everyone literally right before her "surprise" party was about to start (it really wasn't a surprise). Anyway, I was pretty pumped up because I was going to give her a new phone case, but then, my mom was like no. She told me to carry a melon and give her that. It's like seriously?! After all that hard work, all I got to do was lug a watermelon around. Apparently, it wasn't the right size or kind of melon, and my grandmother threw my hard work away right in front of me. I literally felt like crying...
- Delanna
P.S. You can add watermelon to the list of fruit I hate. It's now a close second to bananas purely because of today.
- Delanna
P.S. You can add watermelon to the list of fruit I hate. It's now a close second to bananas purely because of today.
I'm Not a Morning Person
I should not be held liable for anything that may happen when someone tries to wake me up. Especially in the morning. I'm not fully conscience of what happens when I'm half asleep. Over the years, my family members (well, at least my parents) have learned that it is better to let me sleep than to try to attempt to wake me up. It's sad, but true. I just hate mornings, so why even bother facing them when I could just sleep through them? They feel so fake to me. Unlike the darkness of night, it's just too bright and cheery for me to deal. At least the afternoons are a bit toned down in comparison. I guess. Even though my family and I have lived together for a long time now, we still have accidents where someone tries to get me up earlier than usual and something happens as a result of that. Like this morning, for example. Apparently (I have no memory of this whatsoever), Delaney climbed in my bed and tried to get me up in order to get me to take her somewhere. According to Delaney, I wound up judo flipping her out of my bed after she tried shaking me awake. According to my parents, I pushed her out instead of flipping her out of my bed after she pounced on me. I dunno which side is true or if either side is even true. All I know is that I was having a great dream about cheese and awoke to a glass of water being poured on my face (this is literally how my parents wake me up these days especially when I had little sleep the night before). I guess I should try to do something about this especially since I'll be living on my own pretty soon. I might very well wind up sleeping through all of my classes in college because I failed to wake up and get out of bed in time. Oh well.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Rotting in a Car
I absolutely hate it when my mom makes me take Kylle to his karate classes because that means I have to sit in my car for a hour which isn't very fun. I guess I could go inside the studio, but that would mean I would have to deal with people. And, I hate dealing with people, so I'm better off in my car. Buuuuuut, it's like super hot in my car since my car has BLOODY FAKE LEATHER SEATS (horrifying for a vegetarian like myself, but at least it's fake). I dunno what it is with my car, but the air conditioning isn't strong enough to counteract the heat. Unlike my dad's car, my seats do not have air conditioning installed in them. Which sucks. I firmly believe that all cars that feel the need to have leather seats should be required by law to have air conditioned seats. Period. Seriously, I'm tired of feeling like I'm rotting in my car. If that makes any sense. I feel like having air conditioned seats would at least make my car more bearable to sit in for long periods of time.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Absolute Boredom Only Leads to a Longer "Need to Watch" List
Bored and lazy are not a good mix. Why, you ask? Well, this evening, I was super bored because I had just finished an anime, but I was too lazy to look up one of the series on my "need to watch" list. So, I wound up looking on the side bar that has a list of new episodes on the website I use to watch anime. I wound up getting hooked on three new anime series: Taboo Tattoo, Servamp, and Twin Star Exorcists. My poor lists keeps growing instead of shrinking, but at least the new additions are super good! I'm totally including information on them, so maybe you'll like them and decide to watch them, too! :)
- Delanna
Taboo Tattoo:
Seigi, a middle school martial artist, often feels driven to protect the weaker people around him. One day, he defends a homeless man against some punks, and the man gives him a strange tattoo on the inside of his palm as thanks. The tattoo is a secret weapon produced in the arms race between America and the Serinistan Kingdom. Seigi finds himself in over his head when a powerful girl, using the same secret weapon, violently pursues him in order to retrieve it and eventually talks him into joining her group who use the same tattoo weapons.
Mahiru Shirota likes simple things and dislikes difficult things. That's why he picks up a stray black cat that he finds in the middle of the road and gives it the name, Kuro (literally meaning "black"). From that moment on, a contract between the servamp, Sleepy Ash, and Mahiru is formed, and Mahiru is pulled into the servamp war between the seven deadly servamps and their eight sibling, Tsubaki.
Twin Star Exorcists:
Rokuro is from a family of exorcists, but he would rather be anything but an exorcist. He's forced to own up to his own incredible potential when the new arrival, Benio, stirs his competitive spirit. Their rivalry gets a twist when they earn the prestigious title of "Twin Star Exorcists" which is only given to the two supreme fighters fated to marry and give birth to the ultimate spiritual warrior.
- Delanna
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
It's About Time
They finally kicked my grandmother out of the hospital. Thank God. I'm not sure how much more I could have taken. All my nerves have been shot. Now, I only have to do just about everything for my grandmother... Wait, did my situation really improve? I'm doing all of her housework for her. Not that it really matters. As long as she rests up and doesn't complain too much, I should be fine. Maybe.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Monday, July 4, 2016
Fireworks and a Deathbed
Well, happy Fourth of July. Everyone seems to be pretty happy. Well, except for my grandmother who is convinced she is on her deathbed even though she was supposed to get out of the hospital today (but it was moved back to tomorrow just to make sure). All she has been talking about for the last couple of hours is her will and how she is gonna write me out of it if I don't deliver the desired green tea. Yes, I still have not found green tea that pleases her, and I seriously doubt I ever will. I was pretty glad to leave the hospital after several long hours because I went to see the fireworks downtown with Mark. Yay. Actually, Baton Rouge fireworks are kinda a let down after witnessing the fireworks at Walt Disney World...
Sunday, July 3, 2016
That Awkward Moment When a Catholic Priest Walks Into a Room Almost Full of Baptists
Have you ever been unfortunate enough to be stuck in a room when a Catholic priest decides to walk in where the majority of the people in it are die hard Baptists (the kind that absolutely hates Catholics)? Well, if you haven't, lemme tell you something. The tension is so thick that you can literally cut it with a knife, serve it for dinner, and still have some left for future meals. It's ridiculous. I felt so bad for the priest. Especially when my grandmother told him to drop dead. All he wanted to do was pray for her, but she wasn't gonna have that. In fact, she said she would drop dead if he (or any Catholic) ever prayed for her. At least he didn't run out of the room crying like the last couple of nurses. I really wish my grandmother would stop insulting people.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Saturday, July 2, 2016
The Shortest Traffic Light Ever
I have discovered the shortest traffic light ever while driving to the hospital today. It is literally ridiculous how short this thing is. It turned green, but as soon as it did, it turned yellow almost immediately which gave me very little time to react. It was horrifying. I was the only car that was able to make it across in time.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Friday, July 1, 2016
Another Tea Run
My grandmother seems to have trouble dying if that makes any sense. She keeps arguing with everyone who steps in her hospital room. She refuses to see my aunt as one last act of revenge for angering her in case she actually dies. And, on top of all of that, she has managed to send two nurses running out of the room in tears. Therefore, I think she's going to make it. There is no way that someone who has this much energy to do these things is gonna go easy. It's ridiculous. While I'm glad she has yet to get mad at me and/or die, I wish she would stop sending me on green tea runs. She keeps demanding green tea, but none of the green teas the nurses bring her are good enough for consumption. I've already been to every food place in this hospital and every grocery store in the surrounding area, and I have yet to find tea that suits her. I've spent over $30 from my personal savings on green tea only to watch it get thrown away. I never knew there were so many different brands of green tea alone. I say never send someone who doesn't drink tea to find tea because it'll never work. I just clearly don't know that much about tea.
- Delanna
- Delanna
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