Tuesday, May 31, 2016

I Have Nothing to Blog About Anymore

This is getting ridiculous. I have nothing to blog about. Summer has barely begun. I should be out there doing stuff and trying new stuff, but instead, I'm stuck inside my house working on construction related things, playing UNO, or running the occasional errand. I highly doubt anyone wants to read about how I won 23 games of UNO out of 73 games or got my rear handed to me in Candy Land. Everyone else is doing amazing things, and all I've accomplished is...actually, I haven't accomplished anything, so never mind. Right now, I'm just going through a boring phase (I hope it's just a phase). I doubt you people want to hear about it. Speaking of which, I feel like next to no one reads this thing anymore. I only know of one person who reads it like everyday (thanks Mark). I'm guessing everyone else has lost interest, so I'm thinking about taking a break from blogging for a bit. Until I get super bored and make something to blog about. Yes, that's what I'll do. Peace, for now (even though I'll probably wind up posting out of boredom tomorrow).

- Delanna

P.S. Random fact about life in general. Apparently, soap is very useful when scrapping up floors. I didn't know that until I started randomly applying household liquids to our floor to see if anything would help. So, if you ever have to scrap up a floor for any particular reason, use soap. Do no, I repeat, ever use lemon juice. It just hardens it up until you're stuck chiseling what feels like solid stone.

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