Sunday, May 15, 2016

Take a Picture. It'll Last You Longer.

I was innocently sitting at the table doing absolutely nothing except taking up space when my mom demanded that I do something useful. Like iron the clothes she didn't feel like ironing. So, while she went to the back of my house to do something, I started ironing the clothes in a dazed state. Then, my mom came back and literally dropped the clothes she had in her arms in utter shock. "Wow, Delanna! I wasn't serious! I didn't think you would actually do it! I didn't even know you knew how to iron since I never bothered to teach you! Wow! I can't believe you're actually working! I need to document this!" Gee, thanks, Mom. And after saying all that, she raced to her room, grabbed her camera, and started snapping pictures like I'd never worked a day in my life. Again, thanks a lot, Mom. While she was taking her pictures, my dad walked in and looked like he almost had a heart attack. "Make sure you get a picture from every angle! I gotta have me some proof that she actually worked for at least one day in her life!" Gosh, thanks, Dad. What do you people take me for? They make it sound like I never work. Which is a complete lie. I know I can be a bit lazy at times, but I do work. A lot. Also, it's nice to know my mom was prepared to send me out into the world without knowing something as basic as ironing. I shutter to think about what would have happened if I didn't pick up ironing from sewing camp. Or cooking (more like what like cooking since I'm horrid at it) from cooking camp. Or washing clothes from sewing camp. Why do I feel like I got the most important life lessons from camp...? I feel like there's something important out there that I need to survive, but my mom forgot to teach me...

- Delanna

P.S. Don't get the wrong idea or anything, but my mom has taught me many things. I guess she just didn't have time to teach me ironing, washing, and cooking herself since she has like two other children who are even worse than I am to deal with. Love ya, Mom! :)

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