Thursday, May 12, 2016

Posting From a Bloody Phone

You never appreciate what you've got until it's gone. I didn't shed a single tear during the Senior Farewell. Or the Senior Mass. Or anything like that. But, when I had to turn in my laptop today to the school in order to graduate, I was bawling on the inside. Now that I have no laptop, I have to do everything on my phone. Which is like the hardest thing ever. My mom managed to single-handedly use up our data for the month, so I have to make sure I'm actually hooked up to my house's wifi in order to do anything. Also, typing on a phone is like the hardest thing ever. I'm sitting here carefully typing this, but I still manage to completely mess up a word to where I have to go back and erase an entire line. It isn't helping that my phone keeps correcting me and replacing things with some the most random words. This is literally ridiculous. I don't know what to do with myself without my laptop. I just hope I get a replacement soon.

- Delanna

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