Saturday, May 21, 2016

I Would Like to Survive 'Til My Own Graduation, Thank You Very Much!

I went to CHS's graduation today. After the whole thing was over, I went outside to see the throwing of the caps, and then, I planned on finding some of my friends who attended the school and stuff. While waiting for them to toss the caps (which took a good 20 minutes), I learned about a tradition that CHS has apparently. I was watching the guys walk outside when I saw a group of three guys start  lighting cigars. Legit cigars. It's like okay, maybe they're just delinquents, but then I saw several other guys doing it, too. Soon, about half of the guys out there were smoking, and my mind was blown. Literally blown. It was weird. I realize that they attend a Catholic school that happens to be a lot stricter than the one I attend, but this is ridiculous. One guy that I know seemed to be enjoying it a bit too much even though my friend kept threatening to smack him upside the head if he kept it up. Not only was it  weird to see guys that I know smoking cigars, but the smoke itself was unbarable. It was like being trapped in a burning building without the actual fire. I was dragging my brother behind me while I was trying to find  people, and he complained the whole time about how it was taking years off his life. It's like suck it up, boy. Yeah, the smoke was probably gonna kill us. And, yeah, I kinda wanted to live to at least graduate from high school myself. But, there are more important things like finding people and trying not to get crushed to death by people taking pictures while pushing other people out of the way. It was so weird. I hope my own graduation isn't like this.

- Delanna

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