Tuesday, May 10, 2016

That Awkward Moment When There Are Only Mutated Leaks Left

My poor guinea pigs ran out of food today. Since it's getting to be that time of year when the sun seems to hate everything, I decided to start them on a summer diet of sorts. This diet includes veggies and fruits with a lot of water that are supposed to help them cool down since they are literally walking balls of fur. It was kinda hard to decide what to get since whatever they don't eat I'll have to eat (and I've already eaten more than my fair share of nasty parsley), but I finally decided on black berries, cucumbers, and leaks. When it came time to actually find the stuff, I found the black berries and cucumbers right off the bat. The problem was the leaks. For starters, they were hard to find. Took me forever to find them. Second, they were all mutated. No veggie should be that freaking big. I mean, yes, leaks have a tendency to be on the bigger side, but this was ridiculous. The stupid leaks were so big they could have eaten me. Maybe someone who is a huge leak fan would love them, but not me. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against leaks. They're actually pretty good, but there's only so much leaks that an average leak appreciator can handle. Also, I doubt my guinea pigs could actually go through one of those mutated leaks before it rotted.

- Delanna

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