Thursday, May 26, 2016

Do You Want Cheese?

Absolutely not. If I ask for no cheese, just the meat and the bread, when ordering a hamburger (not for me but for my meat loving younger brother), that usually means I don't want cheese, right? Yeah, that's exactly right. Literally, ordering stuff from Sonic for my picky little brother is the hardest thing ever. He likes his burgers plain. Nothing on them. Just the meat and the bread. And, they naturally don't have something like that on any fast food menu. Joy. So, I had to ask for a number one (I think) plain. Nothing on it. Just the meat and the bread. When the guy taking my order was reading my order back at me to make sure it was right, he said (and I quote), "One number one. Plain. No cheese. Just the bread, meat, and cheese." It's like what? I had to tell him no cheese just to make sure he had heard me right, and he was like so you do want cheese then. Nooooo. I still want no cheese. What part of no cheese do you not understand? In the end, the burger had cheese, and Kylle spent the rest of the meal ticked off at the fast food workers who darned to put cheese on his bloody food.

- Delanna

P.S. Funny thing about this whole thing. If it was a veggie burger, I would've been like being on the cheese! I love cheese (hence why I'm NOT vegan, people who keep thinking I'm vegan). Kylle, for some reason, does not. I've never once seen him eat cheese during his lifetime, so I have no idea what he has against cheese. As you can tell, Kylle and I are quite different.

P.P.S. And, no, I'm not spelling Kylle's name wrong. It is spelled with two l's. Deal with it. My mom's a tad touched when it comes to names. We all have strange names. It's a fact of life.

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