Friday, May 13, 2016

What a Bloody Life You Have There, Del

My mom told me to evaluate my life to figure out why I'm so bloody twisted (she thinks I'm twisted because I'm not as social as I could be with certain people, but she's not one to talk consistering the fact that she is less social than I am). I sat at our table for about ten minutes thinking about reasons that made me who I am today, but then I started getting side tracked. I noticed how I kept using the word "bloody" to describe things, and it's like why?! I'm even not British (even though that would be like the coolest thing ever)! I know I got from my mom since she used it a lot when I was younger, but she hasn't used it in years. I think she stopped when I was like three, so I should have stopped, too, right? No. I still say it for some random reason, and I don't know why. People ask me about it a lot, now that I think about it. I guess it's pretty noticeable by now. You guys have noticed it, too, right? Should I bloody stop saying bloody? But, then again, it is kinda my thing (do I even have a thing?), so maybe I shouldn't? I dunno. I don't think I could stop saying it if I even tried. It's like the word "like". It just rolls of the tongue when you least expect it.

- Delanna

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