Wednesday, May 25, 2016

I Didn't Know My Grandparents Had a Summer Home at the Zoo!

I told you about my trip to the zoo on Monday, right? Well, I forget exactly what type of monkey it was that we were looking at, but Mark and I walked up to a cage with two monkeys in it. As soon as we got close to it, the two monkeys started noisily arguing with each other. I remember thinking wow, they sound just like my grandparents. Which is 100% true. No lie. My grandparents argue loudly all the time whether it's at their home or in public when we're eating out with them. When I heard the monkeys arguing, I was like oh god, it has to be them. There is no way it's not. My grandparents were turned into monkeys by deranged wizards for angering said deranged wizards through intense insults. How does one transform grandparents that were turned into monkeys back into their true form? I have no idea. I seriously hope that wasn't them. I haven't talked to them since graduation. Maybe I should give them a call just to make sure...? It'll be hard to explain to my mom that my grandparents have relocated to the zoo since they are now monkeys, but I doubt she'll be too disappointed because she would get to go to the zoo to visit them and there would be a cage separating them. Thinking about now, I think she would probably find this to be a good thing since they are a bit controlling...

- Delanna

P.S. You probably think I'm a horrible person and everything for making this easy mistake, but you don't know my grandparents. If you did, you would totally understand why I made this mistake.

P.P.S. I checked, and my grandparents are not actually monkeys. Apparently, they are still 100% human, and they are ticked off at me for not visiting or calling sooner. :(

P.P.P.S. Apparently, they did not get or appreciate my zoo and monkey reference that I threw into our conversation. They have no sense of humor. It's no wonder that we clash a lot. I am very sarcastic and witty when I wanna be.

P.P.P.P.S. Does anyone have a wizard on speed dial that would be willing to turn my grandparents into monkeys? I'm getting the whole you're-gonna-die-in-college-of-at-least-one-hundred-different-things speech again. Please. Some one put me out of my misery. Actually, don't bother. It'll end on its own soon enough, but I could still use that wizard...

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