Saturday, May 28, 2016

57 Games of UNO Later...

Summer is boring. At least, I think so. I really don't do anything during summer. At all. Just chores, errands, and the usual taking up space/polluting air thing. In a lame attempt to overcome the boredom, my siblings and I decided to play UNO. 57 games to be exact (and we're still going strong). But, alas, UNO by itself is boring. In order to spice it up, we decided to start gambling. Unfortunately, we're all pretty much broke, so we started off gambling napkins, but we ran out when Delaney cornered the market, so we had to move on to ketchup packets (yuck). I'm not sure what we'll move onto next. Probably the straws. We are actually really lame. Who gets excited about winning 47 napkins? We do. Summer is pathetic. And so are we. Oh well. At least if i ever need a napkin, I know who to talk to. The person would wound up winning every single one, Delaney...

- Delanna

P.S. For the record, I didn't lose every single game and neither did Kylle. We were both dominating during the entire time. Kylle would win some, and I would win some. Poor Delaney came in last every single time. Then, Kylle and I got cocky and decided to place all of our napkins on one game, and Delaney surprised us all by winning in twenty turns. It was ridiculous. She refused to place down any of her napkins, so we broke out the ketchup.

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