Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Wild Goose Chase Around the Parish

Today, I was sent on a wild goose chase around the parish. Apparently, Delaney needed a copy of the movie, Tuck Everlasting, by the end of the weekend, so I was sent on a quest to retrieve it. First, I decided to go to the Main Library on Goodwood since it's the closest to my house. When I got there, I couldn't find it anywhere, so I checked the website which said it was there. I then decided to ask someone (I know, what's the world coming to?). The librarian I asked said it was actually in transit to another library and wasn't actually in the library, so the website LIED. She told me a list of other libraries that should have had it, so my mom decided to make me check all of them. Having no other choice, I went down the list of libraries and went to each one. NONE OF THEM HAD IT. The librarian had lied. The last library on the list was the Jones Creek Library which I haven't been to in years. After getting lost like three times, I finally managed to find it. I went in to look for it, but I couldn't find it. Again. So, I decided to ask someone. Again. The person I asked informed me that the last copy had been checked out not long before I came. The entire trip was a complete waste. I swear someone had it out for me and decided to check out EVERY BLOODY COPY of that stupid, stupid movie just to mess with me by staying one step ahead of me. After learning that I had literally wasted five hours of my life checking out multiple libraries, I refused to go home empty handed, so I went to the teen section to see if they had any volumes of manga that I was looking for. Expect, they literally had like one shelf with next to nothing on it. Literally, I hate the Jones Creek Library the most out of all the libraries in the parish. It is quite literally a waste of space. Curse you, bloody libraries.

- Delanna

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