Monday, May 23, 2016

Is It Legal to Steal Baby Emus From the Zoo?

I went to the Baton Rouge Zoo with Mark, today. You could totally tell it was spring because there were baby everythings! They were all so cute! There were baby monkeys, a baby armadillo (which really wasn't part of the zoo, but it was tiny and wild making it a thousand time cuter than anything else), a baby zebra, baby goats, and many more. The cutest of all the babies, though, would have to be the baby emus. There were three of them, and they were like the cutest things ever. I almost died. The way they walked was to die for. I must have taken like fifty pictures. I really wanted to take them with me (along with the armadillo and the chipmunk), but I feel like that's illegal. And, I would probably get arrested or something. If I got caught.

- Delanna

P.S. A baby emus is actually called a chick, but I just felt like calling it a baby.

P.P.S. Emus are large flightless birds that can run up to 31 mph. They are also the second largest bird by height and are related to ostriches!

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