Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Stupid Draft Option!!!

So apparently, I've been forgetting to actually post the stuff I write. I've been leaving it as a draft without even realizing it. Well, until today, where I realized a had a backup of drafts. Joy. This phone makes posting stuff a thousand times harder since I can't see the whole screen. See, the thing is I like to work on my posts over a certain period of time during the day. I save what I do, and I come back to it later and repeat the process until it's done. When I had my laptop, I could easily tell what was still in draft form and simply fix it by selecting it and clicking publish. Now, I can't do that. It's hard to break old habits, so I apologize in advance! If you notice I haven't posted in a while, it's probably because I forgot to actually publish my stuff, so you should totally tell me about it. :)

- Delanna

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