Sunday, May 22, 2016

Can Extended Family Be Any More Embarrassing?!

So, graduation, people. I finally did it. I know. It was a big surprise. I don't think anyone thought I would actually make it this far. I know I didn't, but I did it. It's all over. Kinda. I'm actually more surprised that I survive the whole graduation thing because my extended family is literally the worst sometimes. People I didn't know were coming randomly decided to show up, so all the annoying, most embarrassing members of my family showed up. It was horrifying. Right after the ceremony and the tossing of the caps, my mom dragged me off to take pictures with each and everyone of them.  While we were doing this, some of my uncles decided to take selfies with some of my friends without them noticing, and then, they proceeded to send said selfies to me. Because my mom's side and my dad's side had to be separated (mostly because they don't get along, and none of my immediate family members want to listen to them complain about each other for the next six months), I had to go to my other family members to take pictures with them, too, and listen to my grandmother while she complained about me graduating like I was some huge inconvenience. Sorry, but graduation is usually a fact of life for those who don't fail or drop out of high school. After the seeming never ending pictures, my aunt decided to take us all out to eat. I literally wanted to die, and there wasn't enough room under the restaurant table for me to hide. I barely survived the embarrassing childhood stories, pictures, and complaining they put me through. At least, it's all over now, and they're all gone. Whew. I hope I never graduate again, but then again, I kinda need a college degree...

- Delanna

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