Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Annoyance Over the Lack of Pictures

It really bothers me that I have to use a phone to do everything internet related because that means I have to blog from my phone. I like adding pictures to my posts, but using a phone to add pictures is a thousand times harder than using a laptop to add pictures.

Just adding that random picture of a cactus in the middle of my post was so time consuming that I almost just gave up in the middle of pasting it. Centering and sizing it to something that meets my standards is the haaaaaardest thing ever. So, I apologize in advance for the huge lack of colorful pictures that my blog will have until I get my hands on a laptop. I guess we are all stuck with a boring, colorless blog until I can manage to steal Kylle's laptop or get my own. 

- Delanna

P.S. Curse tiny screens everywhere. They make seeing an entire page and being able to actually read it next to impossible. 

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