Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I Can't Believe She Left Me Behind to Fend For Myself

The worst thing a parent can ever do is leave you behind while they decide to go to the zoo. Well, it probably wasn't all that fun since my mom did have to put up with my younger sister on a field trip but still. Was the picture she sent me of her enjoying a snowball really necessary? Seriously, I would have given anything to be walking around the Baton Rouge Zoo! Instead, I was stuck in my house with its overly creaky boards that totally sound like some creepier breaking in while "studying" for some WHAP exam tomorrow (in reality, I was trying to binge watch Fairy Tail before I have to return my laptop, but I have fallen short of finishing). But, then again, would I really want to be the one to go to the zoo with Delaney of all people? She is literally a little shock of horror. A terror. A demon. Anything and everything embodying evil. She would make grown demons run for their mothers. She scares me. Especially when she is in a bad mood, and this morning she was in the worst mood I've ever seen her in. Maybe it was because she overslept? Or maybe she went to bed too late? Whatever it was, I accidentally got in her way this morning, and the look she gave me was actually the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced. Literally. It felt almost like being turned to stone. So, ya know what? It's probably best that I didn't go. I don't think I could've handled her in that kind of mood without being killed or maimed in someway or sent to the hospital. So, thank you so much Mom for handling that kind of torture. You have no idea how thankful I am for you. Especially since you seem to control the little demon a lot better than me.

- Delanna

P.S. If you didn't get, the picture is of two demons in the anime, The Devil is a Part-Timer! And, clearly, Delaney has terrified them senseless (not the almost inhuman landlady who "scares" them in the actual episode and is standing outside the shot).

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