Friday, May 27, 2016

My House Was Built Over an Ancient Indian Butial Mound. That's Why I Have Such Bad Luck.

So, today was spent gutting my kitchen, so we could get new kitchen stuff. As we took stuff out, we started finding really weird things like 50 year old love notes and bottle caps. This got me to thinking. I have serious bad luck. Like the worst luck imaginable. It's almost like I walked under every ladder that I could as a kid (which I did because when I was younger I had a lot better luck and liked to tempt things, so maybe that is one of the reasons why I have such bad luck?) and stacked up a lot of bad luck from that. But, apparently it's bad luck, to say, build a house over an ancient burial ground. And, there is one somewhere in my neighborhood, so I think it's under my house since I'm not the only one in my family with bad luck. We all have major bad luck. I have a feeling that if we dig deep enough we'll start finding human bones, and if we dig deeper than that, we'll start finding dinosaur bones and whatnot. I need to figure out how to break this curse that the Indians underneath our house placed on us. I feel like the best way to figure this out is to go to New Orleans and research some voodoo stuff. I guess. Who knows. Maybe if I move the curse will go away, but with my luck, it'll just follow me wherever I go.

- Delanna

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