Saturday, May 21, 2016

My First And Probably Last Video Game Experience

Yes, I had my first video game experience today. And, no, that's not weird at all. I was just never really allowed to have them as a child, and I definitely didn't have the means of playing them since I never had access to a television under thirty years old. I have to say I don't regret not being able to play them before now because they literally make no sense. At all. I was playing something called Smash Bros 4 or something like that against Josh, who was supposedly the easiest person to beat there. I didnt understand what I was doing even though Mark explained how each of the buttom thingies worked. I will never understand why you need multiple options to jump. It doesn't make sense. Anyway, I tried my best. I think I put up a pretty good fight even though I think I killed myself a couple of times by falling off the platform, but in the end, I lost. And, I'm still not sure how. All I know is that I lost epically. Which is the best way to lose. If you must lose. I don't think I will be playing another video game any time soon, not only because I don't have the means to, but also because I SIMPLY DON'T GET THE POINT!!!

- Delanna

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