Friday, May 20, 2016

Where's My Bloody Plaque?

Today was Honors Convocation. It's supposed to be some huge ceremony congratulating people who get honors or do other things like service or are super popular with the class. To me, it's just a huge torture session. They require us to wear floor length dresses which is like a huge tripping hazard and an accident waiting to happen for a klutz like me. In fact, I nearly killed myself with that dress at least five times. Anyway, I find that it's a reminder of my failures, so sitting there for two hours was not fun. On top of that, I pity the people who didn't get anything because they were required to sit there for two hours and got nothing from it. Instead, they had to listen to the same people get called up over and over again. Not fun in my opinion. The thing that got to me the most was that I didn't get a bloody plaque. Yeah, I know you're probably thinking who cares or something like that, but I did over 200 hours of service during my four years of high school for a promised plaque. And did I get said plaque? No. Instead, I received a metal thing on a string which was a huge disappointment. If I had known that, I probably wouldn't have done the hours. Nah, I would have still done them because my mom totally would've made me, but still, I want my plaque. I was promised a plaque.

- Delanna

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