Friday, May 13, 2016

A Moment of Insanity

Well, the title is a big lie. A moment of insanity? More like a life time of insanity. I'm pretty sure I've been insane for my entire life and will continue to be insane until the moment of my death. Heh heh. I mean, don't get me wrong. A lot of the choices I make in life are carefully calculated and weigh the pros and cons based on the results that my decisions may or may not lead to. These are usually the bigger decisions I'm forced to make that affect me or someone else in not so little way. But the little things in life? Ha. I tend to make those choices on a whim. And, then I immediately regret whatever stupid thing I chose to do. I especially hate those. I'm not sure what I'm thinking (and usually I'm not thinking at this point) when I do stupid things that result from those choices. Like, for example, I randomly thought it was a good idea to hang upside down from a tree in my backyard just because it was pretty nice today. Bad idea. Not only did I get brush burns on the back of my knees from falling off after being scared by Delaney (not to mention a huge head ache), but I also had like five different types of spiders crawling over me from the tiny little jumping spider to the huge mother-of-all-freaking-spiders spider (and I'm terrified of spiders). Or, another example from today would totally be when I tried to jump down the last two steps on the staircase. I'M A FREAKING KLUTZ. I should've seen the fact that I would definitely NOT make it and wind up tripping. And almost putting my head through the newly painted Sheetrock that my mom had just finished. I totally should have seen that coming. These are literally a few of my many, many, many stupid, whimsical choices that I have made in my relatively short life. I should probably be put in a mental institution since I'm pretty much a danger to myself and others. Maybe it's better if I don't make any decisions for myself least I try to lick the USS Kidd again... Well, I take that back. Life's more fun when you do things on a whim. The little surprises you get do have a tendency to spice life up a bit whether they are good or bad. So, I guess I'll continue making my stupid choices on a whim. At least I won't be bored anymore this summer.

- Delanna

P.S. That story about licking the Kidd, my dear friends, is a very long, long story privy only to a few of my close friends. And, no, I most certainly did not do this recently. I'm not that stupid. I mean, come on! What do you take me for? A fool? A dumb blonde? Don't answer that. I really don't wanna know.

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