Italy Veneziano and Italy Romano:
Italy Veneziano (on the right) represents Northern Italy while Italy Romano (on the left) represents Southern Italy. The two brothers, both grandsons of Ancient Rome, were separated at an early age and raised by different countries. Spain took care of Romano while Austria took care of Veneziano which caused them to turn out very differently, so they don't have the best relationship at times. Veneziano is depicted as a coward but was extremely strong during his golden days (defeated Turkey singled handily). He has an obsession with pizza and pasta. Romano, the eldest of the two, dislikes everyone. Like Veneziano, Romano is extremely timid and fearful, but he is also very protective of Italy and is extremely hard working while Veneziano is a bit more lazy.
Germany is part of the Axis Powers and becomes allies with Italy after being stuck with him during World War I. He is the leader of the Powers and is in charge of training Italy and Japan. He is depicted as a hard working, efficient, and serious country. His appearance is based off the Aryan race that Germany felt was super during World War I and sometimes acts like a crazy boss in reference to Adolf Hitler.
Japan is another member of the Axis Powers. He is a hard-working and reclusive country who is prone to culture shock due to isolation. He has a habit of reading the mood and refraining from speaking. Japan also has a problem with people getting too close to him or touching him, but he slowly gets over it. Kinda.
America is the self-proclaimed leader of the Allied Forces. Raised by both France and England before declaring his independence from England, America looks almost identical to his brother, Canada. He is depicted as being loud, obnoxious, immature, egotistical, and having little regard about how his actions affect others. Despite his misgivings, he is extremely intelligent in some areas and cares deeply for his friends. He spends his free time eating junk food, hanging out with friends, or exploring.
Britain (England):

Britain is another member of the Allied Forces. He is a irritable, cynical, and sharp-tongued, young man with extremely bushy eyebrows (curse of England). He has the ability to perform magic and see magical creatures which makes him appear crazy to his fellow allies. He doesn't have the best relationship with America after he fought for and won his independence, but they manage. Somehow.
Britain is another member of the Allied Forces. He is a irritable, cynical, and sharp-tongued, young man with extremely bushy eyebrows (curse of England). He has the ability to perform magic and see magical creatures which makes him appear crazy to his fellow allies. He doesn't have the best relationship with America after he fought for and won his independence, but they manage. Somehow.
France is yet another member of the Allied Forces. Depicted as an overly romantic and care-free country, France has no trouble showing his long-going rivalry with Britain. He considers himself the big brother to all European countries since he is the oldest, but for some reason, he calls Spain "big brother" (maybe out of respect).

Russia is also a member of the Allied Forces. He is the tallest of all the countries and seems to have a kind demeanor, but due to his long, bloody history, he has suffered mental trauma and has the innocence and cruelty of a child. He sometimes casts an evil aura around him and terrifies the other countries. Russia has a habit of bullying and stalking the Baltic States, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia. He becomes depressed when he thinks about his sisters, Ukraine (his eldest sister) and Belarus (his youngest sister), and the only country he seems to fear is his sister, Belarus, because she wants to become one with him by marrying him.
China is the oldest member of the Allied Forces. He is extremely disturbed by Russia and distrusts him due to past wars. He is often seen with pandas, and his weapon of choice is wok and ladle because of the stereotype of China is that it's food is amazing. He easily takes Germany and Italy out with his weapon of choice but has a bit more difficulty with Japan. China is also a big Hello Kitty fan and ends all of his sentences with "-aru" which is another Chinese stereotype.
Austria is an elegant looking country who is interested in the arts (and passes this down to his ward, Veneziano). Even though he is allies with Germany, he still manages to annoy him.

Spain used to be powerful before he was struck with poverty. He has trouble reading the mood of a conversation and sometimes doesn't even bother to try. He took care of Romano when he was younger and shared a love-hate relationship with him (Romano pretended to hate Spain even though he secretly respected him). Due to his love for children, he wanted to raise both Veneziano and Romano, but he failed to get Veneziano from Austria.
Spain used to be powerful before he was struck with poverty. He has trouble reading the mood of a conversation and sometimes doesn't even bother to try. He took care of Romano when he was younger and shared a love-hate relationship with him (Romano pretended to hate Spain even though he secretly respected him). Due to his love for children, he wanted to raise both Veneziano and Romano, but he failed to get Veneziano from Austria.
Prussia is Germany's older brother. He is a wild country who likes to get into wars in order to showcase his strength and gain more land. Even though he is vain and proud (often claims that he is the best), he is extremely lonely and keeps a diary about himself. He is also a bit scared of Hungary due to there past encounters.
Hungary was once a nomadic nation who most thought was a boy (she is considered the manliest of the countries). Once people began to realize that she was indeed a girl, Hungary decided to settle down and move in with Austria. While living with Austria, she was the only one who realized that Italy is a boy.
Greece is a known lover philosophy and cats. He is often seen with several cats because his country has so many stray cats running around. Greece even shares several characteristics with his cats such as taking long napping and being a bit lazy. Since his mother, Ancient Greece, left his country in ruins, he is unable to develop his country much.
Canada looks almost identical to his brother Canada and is often mixed up with him (especially by Cuba who loves Canada to death but hates America with a burning passion). He often gets into due to America's bullying of other countries. When he isn't being mistaken for his brother, the other countries often forget about him (he owns a polar bear, named Kumajirou, who forgets who Canada is, but in return, Canada always forgets his bear's name). Unlike America, Canada is calm, shy sensitive, and hates fighting (even though he is said to be a strong fighter).
Switzerland is a xenophobic (fear of being thought of as foreign of strange) country. He is permanently neutral and threatens all countries who venture onto his land at gunpoint.

Liechtenstein is Switzerland's younger adapted sister (adapted her after World War I due to her poverty). She has an obsession with Switzerland and cuts her hair to match his. She also dresses like him sometimes.
Lithuania is the eldest of the Baltic States. He was once a superpower who ruled most of Middle and Eastern Europe with Poland. Now, he spends his time fighting off other countries (especially Russia), and he has a crush on Russia's creepy sister, Belarus, who hates him.
Estonia is the wisest, and luckiest of the Baltic States. He is very high-tech and is the owner of mochis, which are strange, white creatures.

Latvia is the youngest of the Baltic States. Due to his blunt nature, Russia bullies him the most out of the States. He is very short and believes he would grow more if Russia wasn't always pushing down on his head. This only leads Russia to try stretching him out instead.
Norway is a reclusive member of the Nordic Five. Norway is easily annoyed by Denmark who is the exact opposite of his reclusive nature. After a DNA test, it is shown that he is the brother of Iceland who he can be very overly protective of. Like England, Norway can perform magic and see different magical creatures.
Sweden (the country lying on the left) is a very friendly member of the Nordic Five but tends to scare other countries due to his scary appearance. He is very fond of Finland (the country lying on the right terrified out of his mind).

Finland, another member of the Nordic Five, is a cheerful who has an obsession with Santa Claus. This is because the legend of Christmas comes from Lapland, which is a region in Finland.

Denmark is another member of the Nordic Five. He is loud and arrogant and has a habit of drinking too much. He considers the other members of the Nordic Five to be his brothers (especially Norway and Iceland).
Iceland, the last member of the Nordic Five, is the younger brother of Norway.He has a cool exterior and a hot interior like the volcanic nature of his country. Like his brother and England, he can see magical creatures, but he claims not to see them because he does not want to be the boy who sees things. Iceland is often found with a puffin (who kind of acts like a mob boss).
Poland is an eccentric, selfish, and childish country. He is also very assertive but can be shy around other nations. He is known for his friendship with Lithuania. Poland considers himself to be like a phoenix because he always rises from the ashes after getting beaten down.
Sealand, the cutest of the micronations is found in the middle of the ocean where England created him and then forgot about him. He is the smallest of the micronations. Since he is not recognized as a nation by anyone, he is constantly trying to get attention and is the leader of the other micronations in hopes that they will one day be recognized.

Wy is a young female micronation in Australia. She can be an extremely hostile micronation even to her fellow micros and only follows them out of boredom. She is also artist and tries to act mature for her age. Her main relationship is with Hutt River, an older micronation who also resides in Australia, who acts as her senior. Unlike Sealand and some of the other micronations, Wy is recognized some local towns and people but unfortunately not by other nations.

Kugelmugel is a young MALE micronation from Austria. He is obsessed with art and sees everything around him as art, including his independence (which is probably why I love him - that, and he's adorable).
- Delanna
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