Monday, August 29, 2016

Two of the Biggest Human Mistakes That Changed History!

1. In June 1944, Field Marshall Erwin Rommel was order by Adolf Hitler to defend the coast of France, but he decided to take the weekend off to attend his wife's birthday party rather than follow orders because he believed that the recent bad weather would delay any invasion from enemy troops. Ironically, Allied troops invaded the coast of France on his wife's birthday (June 6, 1944) and managed to capture all five beaches under the field marshal's command. Had he been there to lead the troops, the war would have gone very differently. This incident helped lead to the eventual Nazi defeat by ruining their image as an unstoppable fighting force.

2. Towards the end of World War II, the Allied Nations came up with the Potsdam Declaration which demanded Japan's immediate surrender. The premier of Japan at the time, Kantaro Suzuki, sent the Allies a response using the Japanese word "Mokusatsu" which can translate into different things. It was intended to mean that the Japanese were contemplating their request, but the translator took it to mean they were ignoring their demands. Needless to say, had the translator interpreted it differently, Hiroshima probably would not have been bombed ten days later.

- Delanna

P.S. There are other major mistakes, but I think these were the best (and I'm too lazy to type all of it up). It just goes to show how stupid people can be sometimes.

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