Thursday, August 4, 2016

Real Life Superheros Caught Saving People

Yes, real life heroes exist. In a world that seems to be filled with never ending hatred, violence, and death, it can hard to believe that a ray of hope like that can actually exist, but it's 100% true that heroes exist. They are ordinary people who do amazing things for others like feeding and caring for the homeless or preventing crime before it happens without a need for fame, glory, or any of those other superficial things that society seems to be obsessed with nowadays. While not all heroes wear spandex and a cape, these heroes do. Yes, you heard me correctly. The Real Life Super Hero Project, or the RLSH, is a legit thing. It consists of average people who do above average things for others. All while wearing epic costumes. It's pretty amazing. It's literally a bridge between the fantastic world of comic books and the mundane reality that we all live in. Seriously, I totally want to join, but I doubt I could pull of a super hero costume. So, I think I will stick to helping people in the shadows without a fancy costume. But, in all seriousness, here are ten real life super heroes who protect different cities around the world.

Honestly, it's almost unbelievable that this kind of subculture exists which makes it all the more cooler once you realize that it is real. The fact that there are people out there doing this on a daily basis makes the world seem like a way better place. Thank God for real life heroes!

- Delanna

P.S. If you still don't believe anything I've just told you, you should go check it out with your own eyes at (RLSH's website).

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