Friday, August 5, 2016

Seventeen Light Cycles Later...

Honestly, I hate freshmen and their parents. Yes, this makes no sense considering I was once a freshmen myself, but I never did half the stuff I see freshmen doing today. Seriously, I'm not even old enough to be all like, "Well, back in my day..." and all that stuff. It's ridiculous. Today was the oh-so-annoying Bear Camp that all freshmen and eight graders of CHS must attend. The band performs at this thing, so during all four of my years at high school, I was forced to attend this thing. This year, I didn't have to go since I don't attend high school anymore. Yay! But, I might as well have gone since I had to go pick up Kylle. Booooo! I live about five minutes from CHS, so I left my house about fifteen minutes early in order to make sure I was on time. I'm glad I didn't leave any later because it seems like every single freshman and eight grader parent had the same idea. The line to get to CHS was huge. My plan was to just park and wait for my dork, but the line ruined that. I wound up sitting through more than seventeen light cycles at the intersection right before CHS (I say more than because I started counting as soon as I could see the light). I was an entire hour late to picking Kylle up which put him in a bad mood. Sorry, but I tried. When I was a freshmen, my parents were never on time to getting me, so I never added to the ridiculous lines I see form at the beginning of school year.s Also, I threw my stuff in the car and got in. It didn't take me five minutes to get in a car like it did for half the freshmen I watched. It was ridiculous. What is wrong with kids these days?! If parents didn't show up early and kids didn't take so long to get in cars, no one would have to wait an entire hour long line to pick someone up. It's common sense, people.

- Delanna

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