Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Strange Things That Only Happen in America

I found this video the other day, and it totally blew my bloody mind. I was born and raised in America, and I have never heard of some of these things. And, even the ones I have heard of are super weird (well, at least in my opinion).

Seriously, anyone else's mind blown? Since when has cheese in an aerosol can been popular? I've never seen anyone eat it before. Let alone buy it or even use it. Has anyone else gone to a store like Walmart recently and purchased a gun while buying their other necessities? I'm pretty sure the Walmart by my house (or any Walmart I've ever been to) doesn't sell guns. I think. I could be completely wrong apparently. I suppose I understand the pickles thing because I use pickles on like everything (even when I probably shouldn't), and I guess the oversize food portions are a thing because I always seem get more than what I can eat whenever I go to a restaurant. Also, I apparently need to pay more attention to the flags and college gear thing because I've never realized that there were so many American flags hanging up or so many people wearing college logos. I thought that was weird. I guess the one thing that I really see as completely normal (at least in my life) is the fact that everyone I know either jokes about suing someone or actually sues someone. I have no idea why people are so willing to sue over stupid things like hot coffee (duh, of course it's gonna be hot) or failing to get a dream life like the one that shows in a certain ad (seriously, do I ever need to comment on how stupid this one was?). IT MAKES NO SENSE. Actually, I kinda want to go sue someone over something stupid now. Is it the American in me that's talking? Who knows?

- Delanna

P.S. DO NOT watch the one about Japan. It is literally mentally scarring. Sorry to any Japanese person who is reading this, but your strange things are waaaaay stranger than our strange things. If it makes you feel better, I do think a lot of the stuff in your culture is super cool. Like bentos. I really really want a bento. They look good. Also, thank you for anime and manga. Without Japan, I would be a very dead person with no life whatsoever (if you even consider what I currently have to be a life).

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