Saturday, August 13, 2016

My Brother Likes Making Strange Stop Motion Scenes With His Legos

Kylle makes some strange stop motion animations... He's been into it for a while now, and whenever he gets bored, he has a habit of making short videos (flooding = boredom). Since I, too, was bored, I decided to watch him for a little bit, but stop motion animation is super boring because it takes so long to set everything up and everything. After like five minutes, I left and started playing UNO with Delaney because that was much more entertaining than watching Kylle careful set stuff up. I came back several hours later when he had finally finished his little movie. He kinda made me sit and watch, and my mind was blown. This one part was the creepiest thing ever. I understood what it was supposed to be after the fact, but when I first saw, my mind saw like the dirtiest thing ever. I saw two guys that looked completely gay to me just do something completely wrong, but apparently it was just two guys bending over to pick something up... I'm going wash my mind out with soap now...

- Delanna

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