Saturday, August 13, 2016

I'm Under House Arrest (Or So It Seems)

I feel like I'm under house arrest because I literally can't go anywhere because of all the flooding. Well, I guess technically speaking, it's not literally because I could actually go somewhere if I really felt like it since my area isn't flooded (yet), but everywhere is closed. So, there's pretty much no point and no where to go, and now, I am bored. Though, I would much rather be bored because I could be in a lot worse of a situation right now like so many other people in Louisiana. Usually, disasters that hit Louisiana affect my family a lot (like two or three trees falling on our house or rain coming inside our house), but this is one bad disaster that bypassed us completely. Never fear though because the next disaster will probably hit us twice as hard. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...

- Delanna

P.S. Stay safe everyone, and don't do anything stupid, okay?

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