Monday, August 1, 2016

Not a Good Start...

Today, Kylle began "driving" for the first time. I put driving in quotations because I don't think what he was doing could be considered driving. Before he was even out of the neighborhood, he managed to almost take out my car (which really ticked me off) and apparently side-swiped four garbage cans. His instructor also informed us of the stop sign he nearly unearthed and the mirror he almost damaged. I'm super glad that I decided to stay home during the duration of his lesson... Honestly, I feel sorry for anyone who had the misfortune to be driving around him.

- Delanna

P.S. Kylle, I'm sorry, but you totally know it's true. As you once told me during my driving lessons, Drivers' Ed means driver's dead. You're so dead, boy.

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